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Hello Team,My two year O2 Contract has ended on 19th September 2020 and parallely i called O2 and ensured that the contract is cancelled. I have surrendered the Router to specified address and got a acknowledgement that O2 received my router.Today i got a new bill from 20.09.2020 to 19.10.2020, I was shocked to see the bill after cancelling my contract.I made a call to O2 customer care +4989787979400 and asked about it. He also confirmed that the contract was cancelled from my end, but somehow the bill was generated by mistake. He said he will process this to O2 team and send the cancellation in six working days, But i will be moving out of germany permanently. He told that O2 will bill On Nov 3rd, 2020 and will refund it immediately. My question is why should you charge me and refund me for the mistake for generating bill from end.Please reply to my email id : xxx ASAP as i am moving out of the country next week.ThanksPrasath edit o2_Manga: verschoben nach Englisch o2 Community: Mobil
I have an O2 Free M Boost mobile phone contract since November 2019. After the contract confirmation, I cancelled all the unwanted subscriptions including O2 TV L worth € 4.99 in November itself. But why am I being charged for the O2 TV automatically from December 2019 despite cancelling it earlier?
Hi I just noticed about 50 euros were charged under the subscription in 2 weeks. The problem is I have never applied for this subscriptions. I'd like to know whether or not my phone / number was attacked, and would like to cancel all the subscription and get refund. So, I'd like to set up a third party lock. thank you I
Hi, I have made a pre-order for iphone 12 pro with a sim on Friday 16.10.2020. and now i want to cancel the entire order. can you please guide me how to do it. Thanks edit o2_Manga: verschoben nach Englisch o2 Community: Mobile
I moved to UK from Germany and was hoping to keep my german contract, as I could use the roaming at the same price as my normal contract in Germany. UK announced that from January 2021 they will no longer support EU roaming feature, which obviously means my german contract here will be useless. My contract was renewed, but I was wondering if I can have it cancelled by 31 December 2020 instead if normal contract term or if I can be offered a transfer to a UK O2 contract? edit o2_Manga: verschoben nach Englisch o2 Community: Mobile
I'm currently working in Kosovo but still have an active account and would like to continue paying it. I'm also curious if I will be allowed to use my sim card here without extra charges.
Hi,I requested a cancellation for my DSL a couple of months back. But I’m still getting billed. I can’t even log into my account to see the status. My account number is XXXXI remember when I registered for the account, the contract was that I can cancel it within a month. I’m sure I’m getting billed for about 4-5 months now.Can you help me please.Thanks,Satyajit Edit: Removed customer number / o2_Dennis
Hi!Two weeks ago, I sent a request for termination of my DSL contract because I need to moved to another place here in Germany on November(Flensburg to Mannheim). I already received a confirmation message from O2, but I would like to know if the termination of my DSL will be on November or December since I had read the contract that I should notify O2 two months prior. What is also confusing for me is in confirmation message states, that the Termination will be on June 14, 2021. I have no idea on how its going to be since I am new here in Germany. What should I do? I dont want to pay the cause until next year.Thank you in advance!
o2 HomeBox 6641 Video GuideIn this video we’re going to explain you how to set up your o2 HomeBox 6641 (german language):Click for Video ………………………….. Set Up To set up your o2 HomeBox there is our set up wizard to your availability. You can use it to activate your telephone connection and to enable your internet connection.Please have your access data ready, which you have received from o2 together with your confirmation of receipt. After wiring your o2 HomeBox with the help of the configuration wizard of the CD, the installation wizard will start automatically.If the installation wizard does not start, you can start it manually via the user interface of the o2 HomeBox. In order to do so, please enter or in the address field of your browser. Please click “weiter” and follow the instructions displayed.The installation of the o2 HomeBox is also explained in detail in our “Benutzerhandbuch”.Please install our “o2 Service Suit” afterwards for an automatic support with th
I want to move back to my hometown (Umzug ins Ausland). I have de-registered my place of residence (die Abmeldebestätigung von Bürgerbüro). My flight will be in next 3 days. How can I end my O2 Free contract as soon as possible?How much do I have to pay in extra to terminate my contract?Thank you so muchBest regards, Edit o2_Vivian: Mobilfunkvertrag → o2 english community: mobile
hi,i have been called since yesterday day nights from various french numbers +33 many times and it does not stop what can i do i block them and they call me from diferent and i am so scared that they will steal some information or money from my accounts,please can someone help to me? edit o2_Manga: verschoben nach Englisch o2 Community: Mobile
O2 net on my mobile, all the time problems, what should i do now, even after writing to you again and again, so far i don't have net speed, just shows net, but doesn't work.I bought the mobile by contract only for the net now if Niyat doesn't work then I will stop paying monthly, When I communicate with you, it works for a day or two, then never works again. Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben in unseren Englischbereich
Hi, I am new in this forum. I would like to sign a contract with O2 - preferably in Nov - this is when my current contract with another provider ends. How soon can I sign up for a contract with O2? Second question; I first registered for myO2 with my preferred email address but it doesn't allow me to register a username for the community. It says to contact a moderator. I decided to register another email. This went through fine and I was able to choose a username for the community - hence my ability to write this message. Can I switch to my preferred email address? Thanks
Hi there. My Homespot stopped working today. It worked fine for several months and suddenly today it is not working. Is there a network malfunction or is it me? Also, I registered the sim card for it and it said it is activated, but I cannot enter Mein O2 or this website with my login details. Calling doesn't help because I never got my Sim card number.
Hi, I have had my Homespot Router on an unlimited data sim since the end of June 2020 . Initially, my connection speed was reliably in the 40-60mbps range (for at least a month). The internet has been very slow lately so I just ran a speed test.I can’t get anything above 2mbps!I managed to navigate the German o2 website to confirm that all is good in my area. All lights on the front of my router are blue.2mbps is a useless speed!Any suggestions ? This is an unacceptable level of service. Edit o2_Matze Post moved from Broadband to Mobile
Hallo @Billa50, ich verstehe deine Sorge bzgl. der Prämienauszahlung durch Aklamio. Wie dir @Tom_ bereits mitgeteilt hat, kann die Prämienbestätigung bis zu 3 Monate nach Aktivierung des Vertrages dauern. Wann genau wurde die Freunde werben-Prämie denn beauftragt bzw. wann war der Vertragsabschluss? Ich freue mich auf deine Rückinfo. Liebe Grüße, Tobias I have also same problem already make 5 recomend links to my freind and i have got money after 4 to 5 weeks but my last recomend take long time like 2 months i cant understand when i contact with aklamio they told me we cant do anything refferal rewards confirmations coming only from the saller.When we talk with saller they told we can not help you in this matter where we go?
I made a contract for a new apartment in March. But, due to the job loss, I needed to move out from the apartment I rented to my boy friend’s apartment. In July, I asked for a cancellation of the contract following the move.My boy friend had an O2 contract at the moment when I wanted to cancel.So, I sent all the documents to O2 for cancellation. Then I got a letter from them that since the contract will end soon, I cannot cancel the contract I have. Because my boyfriend already made another contract with Telekom 6 months ago to change the DSL provider. In August,I called O2 service center to ask about this and the officer told me that I need to send them the Telekom contract. Then, I can cancel the O2 contract without problem. In September,I sent all the documents again to O2. Then, they sent me a letter again that I cannot cancel my contract. They wrote that “wir bieten ihnen aber gerne die umstellung ihres vertrages auf ihre neue wohnadresse an.beauftragen sie uns hierzu bitter bis s
Hello, I would like to ask if there is Formular to be filled up once I change/transfer DSL contract?I called O2 Service hotline and the agent told me that there is a Form need to be filled up and signed by both agreeing party. I already checked the O2 website but, what I have only seen is a form for changing of Bank connection. Is that all I need or there is another? I also wanted to know the process of changing the Inhaber but, when I am going to click the link, it says that there is technical problem.Can you help me? Thank you in advance!Regards,Jose m.edit o2_Manga: verschoben nach Englisch o2 Community: Broadband/DSL
Hello O2, I want to cancel my Surf Upgrade Data S which costs monthly bill of 4,99€, because I don’t want to be automatically charged monthly with that. I have already 1GB costs 9,99€ monthly and that is enough for me because I use Wifi at home. I don‘t want to extend or use that 2GB costs 4,99€. Please help me how to cancel my Upgraded subscription..jenny edit o2_Tobias: transferred from thread Current o2 tariffs to a new thread
Hello,I’ve had a contract with o2 for a year now, two weeks ago my internet stopped working. Since then I have gone to the O2 store many times to try and fix it, because I don’t speak German. They told me to call the technical service, but they don’t speak English. I also been trying to talk to them via text, and they are no help at all. I am tired and frustrated and angry. A couple of friends that speak German called the technical service and they were no help. It is unacceptable that I am paying for a service and nobody is helping or fixing it. Nothing is wrong with the line, they sent a new router and still doesn’t work. It’s been two weeks, with no response, no technical person coming to check, no help, nothing. It is the worst client service I have ever had. You should be ashamed. And also I’ve been trying to make a complaint but it is impossible. I am beyond angry. You are the worst.If anybody has a clue on how to either terminate the contract or fix this or make a complaint, I w