Neueste Aktivitäten
Hello, I had ported my number from o2 to another provider and I had some prepaid balance left after debiting the porting charges. How to claim the prepaid balance left after porting?
Hello, I got my contract from o2, but no matter what I can’t seems to be able to find my Festnetznummer on the contract, my WiFi stopped working so I’m trying to get in contact with the customer service but in any category it requires this Festnetznummer, but I can’t find it anywhere on my contract, please help
Hi, how are you? I have a problem. My monthly bill is supossed to be 25 euros, but this month (the first one) I get an email where it says 80.89 euros!! And don’t know why I can’t download my bill. I think something is wrong
hi, i have booked a contract with Deinhandy and O2. Unfortunately, Deinhandy cannot approve my contract because there was a problem with my data. They said that my contract will all be cancelled,including my O2 contract. But recently i got e-mail from O2 that they will charge me about 40euros, and the problem is i dont even have the phone or the Simcard with me. so they charge me for nothing… 40euros is not a small amount for me and what im concern is, will O2 charge me money for the next 24month??
I just got a new I-phone 11 through 02 about 1/2 week ago but I cannot send SMS or text messages to any number. I have tried to call the cutomer service but I got no answer. Please what should I do? Thanks.
Hi guys I have no clue where to pay the bill and it’s due today! I have the app, but still… Can you please help? Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben vom Wohnzimmer
I want to go abroad and cancel the contract. The paperwork was completed. Currently, there are Abmeldong documents, Anmeldong documents, and mobile flight tickets. Can I send it with this?
I bought s10+ in contract(monthly installment) including tariff. Now I want to use sim card of another company. Can I do that, if yes, how?
Ich hab schon vor 6 Monaten meinen Datentarif gekündigt. Schon mehrmals im Callcenter angerufen und 2mal Kündigung mit Unterschrift gesendet aber immer noch keine Bestätigung sondern bekomme ich noch Rechnung wie ich geschrieben und gesagt hab, bin ich vor 7 Monaten Deutschland verlassen und alle Kontos geschlossen deshalb kann ich nicht zahlen natürlich hab ich bisher O2 nicht genutzt, nachdem bin ich Deutschland verlassen. Bitte best
I have recently arrived in Germany and wanted to buy a phone connection for myself. But I observed due to the Coronavirus all local shops are closed. So I tried to order a simcard online. Currently I do not have my own post box as I am living with a temporary landlord. She told me to forward all my mails and packages to her postbox by putting her nameas C/o. But while ordering a simcard there was no option to add a C/o in the address box. How do I complete my purchase then?
Hello, I purchased a prepaid sim card online on March 14. Today I found out that I entered my Name and Last name. And we have a mail box marked by husband’s name. So the sim could have arrived but there was not a mail box with my name. Can anyone at o2 let me know what is my sim card shipment status? If no, what should I do?
Hi, I have an on going contracto with O2 Germany and would like to buy a second phone with contract for my child. Can I benefit from the O2 customer prices? Will I receive a new phone number with the new contract which we can be used in the new phone?
Hello. I would like to know if it is possible to transfer my current contract with young people offer to another person. The person receiving the contract is under 28 and is a student as well. Many thanks
Hi O2 team, My mobile contract is ending on the beginning of June 2020, and I would like to get an offer for an extension. Can someone contact me about that here? Thank you.
How can i change my personal data? When i click edit it's impossible, it's locked. Looks like not allowed. I noticed a mistake at the Surname.
Hello, Currently, I am on Free L Flex (monthly). I would like to switch to Free M Flex (monthly). As I noticed my current plan ends on April 7th, when will the new plan starts if I request it today? How will I be charged for the duration between today and April 7th? Thanks
Dear Sir/ Madam, I want to pay the outstanding amount of my mobile which i got from o2, it was only a mobile without sim. Please tell me a clear email address where i can ask my question or contact me.
I would like to ask a question. Can I cancel the sims card order. Because I already found the best promotion that really match with me. If I can’t cancel it. how can I do. Thank you.
Hello! I normally pay 24.99 per month and because of verbindungen und services that cost my payment 98 euro. What is the meaning ov verbindungen and services. O2 is so expensive. And the most worst signal connection. Very disappointing.
Hello - My plan costs 34.99 and I pay 29.99 because of my discount. I’m also subscribed to apple music, for which Apple debits money from my account directly every month. For this month, O2 has decided to add an apple music subscription cost to me account, taking the total to 39.99. This means I’ve had to pay for apple music twice this month. I request that the Apple Music cost is removed from my O2 account from next month and that I’m reimbursed for this month.
I have recently got a home spot, but when I tried to activate the sim card it says that I haven’t confirmed the SEPA direct debit (see screenshot). I immediately contacted my bank but they say that there has not been any request for a direct debit to be set up. No money has left my account. How can I fix this? I’m struggling to call the helpline as I don’t understand the prerecorded questions that are being asked (I’m new to Germany and my German is not very good yet) and the people on the live chat won’t help me unless I log in using my phone number (which I can’t do as I have a homespot, not a mobile phone or a landline). The O2 support people on twitter suggested I tried here.
I have initiated My contract transfer on 28th Feb, to my friend who is currently staying in same apartment. Till now contract is not transferred, can someone help me on the same