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Hello, I’m interested in o2 free L boost 120GB tarif for 45 euro per month. Could you please explain to me if i must to have a bank account in Deutschland? Could it be polish bank account in euro currency in mBank? Is my delivery address must be that same as my registered address. Is my registered address must be in Deutschland? I would be pleased if you could contact me and speak polish or English. Kind regards, Adam Edit by o2_Andrea: Verschoben nach English o2 Community: Mobile
I use O2 Homespot (via LTE) as my internet with the standard router. Sometime it look like a part of an Internet is not available. For example today: The following ping failed. The IP address is valid and received from the DNS. ping Running the same ping command from another internet provider works: It is not the first time when I see the issue. There is my connection info (cell-ID) from the router info page Cell-ID: 25915395 TAC: 51510 EARFCN: 6200 I’ve also made the same check from the router diagnostics page - same result:
Welcome I have littlebit problem with my one order… I order one O₂ My Handy Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max nachtgrün, 256 GB Vertragslaufzeit: 24 Monate Gesamtpreis der Hardware über 24 Monate: 1429,00 € ihre Bestellung ist am 27.03.2020 I receive that day email from O2… Unser persönliches Angebot für Sie: Wir können Ihnen das IPHONE 11 PRO MAX 256GB anbieten, wenn Sie bis spätestens 04.04.2020 vorab 239,00 € als Guthaben auf Ihr O2 Kundenkonto einzahlen. I Pay from 30.03.2020 Referenze: 6061932316 A-E Next post from O2: 12.04.2020 viel Spaß mit Ihrem neuen Pack. Ihre Konditionen, sowie alle weiteren Vertragsbestandteile finden Sie hier zusammengefas Handynummer: 01766229154x O2 bestellstatus site i chechk my order and i see only: O2 my Data M Bestelldatum: 27.03.2020 SIM-Nr. 8949228191705083650, Neue SIM für Neues Gerät 1, Falls Sie die Rufnummer Ihres bisherigen Anbieters zu O2 mitnehmen möchten, können Sie dies hier beauftragen: Why i not see phone order? where is my phone
Hi, I got an "pay in 3 days or we send it all for payment" message, because im due 2 month rates for a Note 10+ phone. As You (in later text o2 Deutschland, not You personally) are probably aware, there is an global crisis with Coronavirus, what is directly affect economy and wage earning, even in rich country as Germany. Because of that, i'm also affected and because of that i have issuses with some payments. I know that corporations usually don't have feelings for end-users personal problems, but this is globaly affected situation and this is not the way to do. Even i am aware that bills needs to payed, overdue for 2 months in this time is really not the reason to "threat" with charging me full price of the phone. Therefore, i request that this process is revoked until start of the next month, since my salary is allways on last working day of the month. Contract and/or phone number upon request. Mfg, Igor
Dear Sir/Madam, Due to since the beginning of using the internet connection by O2 I always have the problem because the signal is not stable and I've checked about speed test about the internet that is slowly more than I expected. Also when I go out side or anywhere I have problem with the connection ,many times I can't find a good signal to call to someone when I need and when I called to my colleages or my friends ,I can't connect to them with a good connection by mobile. O2 made me disappointed so much. ***Please contact me as soon as possible. -my 4 digital personal code###I forgot about the code -my telephone number XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -my name Nutthida XXXXX -my customer number XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Best regards, Nutthida XXXXXX TBCMagic: Public forum! Please do not post personal informations!
Hello! Could you please clarify if i can purchase Huawei E5573s and also get the contract "the O2 Free Unlimited unbegrenzt" tarif and also get 1 additional data card so: the data SIM will be used in Huawei E5573s for data only; the regular SIM will beusedin my smartphone. Is there any internet trafffic limitations for such usage or is it still unlimited? Thanks in advance! Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben von Mobilfunknetz zu Englisch
I have a winSIM sim card with a number 0176 – [###] and I want the O2 Free L Boost 120 GB contract. I want to take my same number with me to a new contract with O2 (Free L Boost 120 GB). I want to change immediately at the end of the month to O2 and get the approval by phone from my current provider winSIM but due to COVID there is no service. What can I do and how can O2 support me? Furthermore, I am under 28 years old, so I can have the 10 EUR discount of young people and have the O2 contract for 34.99 EUR per month + a connection fee of 39.99 EUR. However, I saw that winSIM provider has the same service and used the same net-line of O2, so having a contract with winSIM counts as being an O2 customer? In order to have 50% discount and have the O2 contract for 22.99 EUR per month without a connection fee? Thank you and best regards,
Hey all, I found myself paying this month for 2 internet packages, i just wanted to change my internet package to only one but i found my bank account saying i paid for two. How can this be solved? Regards, Kamal
I signed an o2 contract last month, and in the shop I asked if I can pay the connection fee in cash. The operator said that I can. I paid 40 euros in cash (which I also never got the change for it) and the operator said that he will deposit it into my o2 account. One month passed and now that I received my bill, I see that the connection fee is there. I reached out to o2 via chat support and it looks like that operator never deposited the money into my account. It didn’t occur to me that the operator might just decide not to top up my account, that’s why I didn’t ask for any kind of receipt or something. I mean the whole idea of going to an official o2 store is that you can trust the operators there. Now that the shops are closed duo to the virus outbreak, I can’t even go there and confront him about it. Given the chance of me getting back my money is next to none, I wanted to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else.
Hello, Please, While I was charging my line number through my account on O2 website, I pressed charge now by error which means deducting from my bank account. I don't have enough amount in my bank account so I would like to cancel this charging. I have recharged my phone number using my credit card. Thanks a lot in advance Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben von Mobilfunkvertrag zu Englisch
Dear Sir / Madam, I left Germany on July 2019. I’ve sent cancellation for all my 5 contracts (me and my family), but I still see charges on my bank account. How can I get this cancelled? Die Auftragsnummer - EPOS02013583830383 EPOS02003468274431 EPOS0200816924927 EPOS02001267483519 EPOS02013699171583 Thanks.
Greetings, I have a problem with my mobile contract. My phone was stolen 2 years ago and I only can log in into this app now and ask you like this for help. I would like to just end my cotract because I don't use the phone since it was stolen and my credit card also so I cannot even know how much I have to pay in total. I've tried to call customer service they say that nobody really speaks German so I cannot talk to them and the lady on the phone didn't really care I've also contacted 02 by email and I've sent letters to Telefonica Germany to cancel my contract multiple times which they said they didn't recieve. Abmeldung and Kundingung.3 Times. I'm not currently in Germany. I would like to know what can I do to end this contract after all this time? Everything I try does not work. And how much I have to pay in total. Thank You. Kind regards.
I booked the pack “o2 my prepaid S” and deactivated it immediately afterwards. I wanted to change it to another option but something was wrong. 10.00 Euro already got out from my debit but I can’t use any calls nor datas. Can O2 assistant reactivate “o2 my prepaid S” please?
I have not received my top up through bank transfer.
I have a problem with o2. I have the student connection which was said that it will cut 19.99 Euro per month. But my connection is cutting 34.99 euro per month. Also I was supposed have 20gb of internet per month. But this month after only using 2.29gb my mobile internet is not working at all. Please let me know how to deal with it in this dire situation as I couldn’t go outside to any customer care center.
Halo, I have problem with my Home spot internet connection. The LED/3G signal always blink red which show no Mobilfunknetz connection. I have tried to reset so many times with no results. I tried to switch my homespot card to my phone, and it showed that there is internet. I have another O2 card in my phone and the internet connection was okay. I think there is problem with the Homespot Hardware. Help! Due to Corona all the O2 shops are closed and I need immediate solution. Many thanks.
Hello, I have a contract with o2 with monthly payments. However due to Covid-19 I have not been in Germany for the past 1 month or more. Since we don’t know how long this situation will be and I am out of the country (out of EU in general) is there any way to put the contract on hold for a few months? Please let me know how to proceed. Thank you. :) Edit by MXP_Alex: Moved to English o2 Community.
Good afternoon, yesterday I received my O2 HomeSpot and I have a contract with an unlimited data tarif. I am writing to you because the speed of the internet is really slow. I have seen other discussions/questions similar to this topic, and I wanted to ask some questions as well. I don’t know if I should have written my doubts in those posts, so I am writing a new one. If I should have used their posts, I apologise. I explain my problem/doubts: I ran some speed tests, and it reaches an average of 5 Mbits at best, even lower. Here below, I write down some data related to the state of the connection: RSRP: -77 dBm RSRQ: -12 dB RSSI: -47 dBm PCI: 326 ID de celda: 10285314 TAC: 14573 EARFCN: 6200 As recommended, I have checked the nearer internet base station in this website , and it seems that there are some restrictions going on. My street is “am vogelsang”, in Göttingen (PLZ 37075). I was wondering if you could inform me if these restric
Hello O2, I’ve been trying to move my number to a new provider since Nov/2019 and so far no success. I had a prepaid card and recharged it as much as needed as informed in O2 store. I issued the cancelation document which was sent to you from your store. nothing worked so far and the new provider tells me that O2 is not releasing the number because my contract is not canceled. Can you please release my number for portability asap? It is +49xxx. Please help, I’m running out of options here. Thank you. edit o2_Manga: Kundendaten unkenntlich gemacht.
Hello My contract will end soon in June, I got a call today saying inorder to keep using my number, I have to make another contract. Is this true? At the moment I just feel relieved of having not to pay a monthly bill of 35 Euros and sometimes more, that I am not looking forward to another contract. Also, most of my documents and official offices have the number as my contact. What do i do please to keep my number without having to start another contract? Thanks. Omosefe edit o2_Solveig: in den korrekten Bereich verschoben
Hello, I have a problem with internet connection on my mobile phone, because I have 4G all the time, but very often my phone tries to connect to 4G+. In that moment when it connects to 4G+ after one-two seconds it switches back to 4G. When this happens I have no internet in that moment and it is really frustrating because it happens pretty often. Please advise me what can I do. Thank you.
I got an email asking me to activate the sim card for my new contract two days back. But till now I haven't received my sim card for my new contract. Please help
I ordered a mobile phone, paid the downpayment march 23 and after that never got any confirmation or info about whats next. I asked on chat, they keep saying it will come in next days. Wel nothing is coming. Other big companies i ordered from maybe have 1 day later delivery because of corona, but think its a bit weird i dont hear anything. The mobile phone was available right away on the site, so should have been send last week already..
Please can you prepare my phone number for porting from o2 Prepaid top another network? I will make sure it has 25EUR credit when I start the new contract.My number is xxxxxxThank you Edit o2_Flo: Mobile Number anonymized.