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Warum O2


on May 25th, 2020, there was an offer on a new S20 phone + Sim card in 02 website. I ordered that offer and now I have the new phone + simcard.

02 never sent me any contract, neither online nor via post.

Everything is good, however 02 is sending me only one Rechnung for the Tarif while for the mobile phone monthly installments, o2 is cutting money from my bank directly without sending me any Rechnung.


Therefore, first of all can 02 send me the contract information online asap and secondly why 02 isn’t sending me one Rechnung for mobile + Tarif cost.




Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben zu English

You have two contracts: one for the phone and one for the tarif. Check in the customer portal whether your email address is correct as you should have been send a payment plan for the phone.


thanks for replying. My email address is correct. I have also checked my emails and there is one email with subject 

“Herzlich Willkommen bei o2: Alle Informationen zu Ihrem o2 Vertrag (Welcome to o2: All information about your o2 contract)”

However, i don’t see any contract in PDF in the email. Most of the time i am referred to the o2 portal  via a link eg it’s written something like “All information about your My-Handy purchase contract and installment plan can be found here .” And the link is the portal, not a PDF. 


 Ou have to register once the Mobil and the hardware contract with your credentials.


How can i fill the contract with my credentials if i haven’t received any contract to begin with?

There were no attachments in the email - terms and conditions and cancellation rights? The tarif conditions should have been in the email.

There were 5 attachments in the email such as

  1. AGB
  2. Leistungbeschreibung
  3. Datenschutzmerkblatt
  4. Tarifpriesliste
  5. pries_liste_roaming_sonstiges

However, this is not a contract. There are simply documents. My name is not written anywhere in these documents. In a contract Name of the person is written, then there are conditions or agreement and at the end there is a place for signature. I haven’t received any document of that form which i can say is the contract.  

That is the contract. There is nothing else. This is quite normal for consumer contracts like this concluded online or by telephone. If you wanted a contract to sign then you would have needed to go to a shop in person.

okay. Everything is clear. I was hoping for something to be more contract look alike rather than an email with links and info as i had done it online in the past with other providers.

That is the contract. There is nothing else. This is quite normal for consumer contracts like this concluded online or by telephone. If you wanted a contract to sign then you would have needed to go to a shop in person.

Okay, ich habe das Gleiche getan, ich habe diesen Plan gekauft wie mein Kollege, aber jetzt ist meine Sim-Karte gesperrt oder gesperrt und es ist 20 Tage her, seit ich versucht habe, mit Ihnen durch Nachrichten, Beschwerden, Anrufe zu sprechen und das Gleiche mit mir zu sagen: "Wir wollen Ihre Nummer von Vertrag "Wie kann ich meine Vertragsnummer haben, wenn ich nicht die gleiche erhalten habe? Bleiben Sie also bei Pushes Pushs und lösen Sie mein Problem nicht. Ich muss trotzdem bezahlen. Dieses Angebot ist sehr schwierig."

Sie fragen mich auch nach der persönlichen Nummer, sie sagen, dass sie sich in Artikel 1 des Vertrags befindet, wie kann ich sie erhalten, sie sagen, dass ich diese Nummer zum Zeitpunkt des Vertrags erhalten habe, als ob ich alles online gemacht hätte und keinen Vertrag erhalten hätte

Hi @Dagani 
I answered you here.
Please stay under a post and avoid spamming.
Thank you very much.

Best regards,


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