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Hi, hopefully I have posted in the correct spot for the English Community I signed up for a DSL contract in January. The man at the shop gave me a SIM card to use while I waited for the activation by Telekom. He had said that this was only valid for one month and the data is only 1GB. No additional contract was signed besides my DSL contract. I looked at my bank account yesterday and saw there was additional charges from o2 in January, Feb, and now March. This is for a 1GB SIM card contract that I have never signed. I have the original Kundenauftrag and it makes no mention of a further 1GB SIM card contract. I would like the charges to be removed and also receive the money I paid for these months. Danke für deine Hilfe
An agent in the O2 shop in Campus Shopping center of Lübeck lied to me. I said I didn't want to sign a contract to have more Mobile Data in the conract, if that contract was to stay longer in their company because I was leaving Germany in a few months. But he insisted there was no problem because the German law said that when you leave Germany every contract is cancelled from the day you leave the country. Not only that, when he offered me the increase in Data he didn't mention to me that I was supposed to stay with O2 for 2 years. When he already had print the contract I asked about it and then he said "of course", and when I said I did not want to sign in that case, then he said it was no problem at all because the law would cancel the contract automatically... Some months later I lost my phone and I asked another agent to cancel everything because I was leaving in some weeks and that other agent said that I could only do it once I presented the official form from Lübek register and
Hi, I have o2 customer since last 4 years but now during contract extension the offer which i am getting is more expensive then what i have. I am feeling very sorry that i need to move to other provide only due to bad offer. Please let me know if you can provide any good offer before i switch, my contract is getting expired in another 20 days, Thanks,
Dear O2 team. my bill is not correct! This afternoon, ONLY AFTET I crossed board from Serbia INTO Hungary, in a Hungary gas station (which was out of gas), I started to use internet check next gas station just for minutes. Then, sixteen more euro was taken away. Definetely I used it within Hungary land. If you check my position, you can confirm it. I think this cost should be cancelled, and related money should be returned to my account. many thanks!
Hello, I left my old appartment, and moved to another city. Currently living in a hotel for an unknown period of time (still haven't found another flat). I want to cancel my DSL contract, how is that possible? Thanks in advance for your time!
I signed a contract for a new number and was fraudulently made to sign for two numbers at the O2 store! The man at the store showed me the final contract price and phone number which I would be using without informing me of any other number listed within the contract. I know this is partially my fault, because my German isn't very good yet and I should have asked someone to read the contract for me before signing. But I'm hoping there is a way out of this situation.
Dear O2, since I moved out of Germany, I sent the contract cancellation form to you, for my 2 mobile numbers and for my DSL, together with ALL DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED from you. I requested to close the contracts on the 30 of April. I received an email from you regarding the 2 mobile numbers, where it was written that the termination was accepted and there is some money to pay, I replied to this email giving to you the authorization to pick up the money directly from my account, so far the numbers are deactivated, but you dindn't pick up any money, should I transfer this amount to you??? Furthermore, concerning the DSL, I didn't receive any confirmaton of the termination, only an email with a contract modification, why???? what are you doing???? I also returned back the modem sucessfully!!!!! Please clarify me the status of my kundigung for both mobile numbers and for the DSL and please be clear and tell me what I have to do. This miscomunication from your side is really bad, I m
It's bit long story, but let me explain what happened to me about contract. So my contract was 2017-2019 September. Around this January (2019 Jan), one guy from my O2 shop called me and said "Your discount is over this month, so If you want to keep discount, you have to extend your contract" When I went to O2 shop and aksed what happened, and he said my contract is not over, but discount is over. So If I do not extend my contract, then I will have to pay regular price, which is about 35 euro, and convinced me that I can cancel my contract if I leave germany, even if it is middle of contract. So I signed extension contract. But, last few days, I figured out I extended my contract but I was paying rather about 10 euros than I expected. Yesterday, I went to the shop and asked them why I am not having discount as before. And the guy said, he will fix that but he asked me to sign on screen. Well,, I signed. He said, first sign one went something went wrong so I have to sign
Hello Month ago i wanted to renewal my contract and buy a new phone, but employee that works for o2 dint make that. He opened a new contract with a new number and new phone and also he renewal my old contract. so now i have sim car that i never activated bc i was thinking it is just a promo sim card. never used that sim card.when the bill came i was in shock. i want to cancel my contract, i mean a want to cancel one of those 2 numbers and want to keep paying just for one number (one contract). is there any chance to make a cancellation free because i dont want pay for anything that is about that new contract?
I had an outstanding bill, which I paid by bank transfer for my postpaid number (xx), but still there is no data. Edit by o2_Katja: Rufnummer entfernt
Hallo, bitte löschen Sie meinen o2 community account. Danke.
Hello. I sent the required letter for requesting cancellation of my DSL Flex contract for next month more than a week ago, however I have not received any confirmation from o2 regarding the status of my request. How should I proceed?
Hi, My wife and I purchased prepaid sims in Munich to use while travelling Europe. Unfortunately my wife switched off her phone, now it is asking for a pin code but we do not know it. we tried calling O2 Germany but they do not offer customer service in English and told us to visit an O2 shop. We cannot do this as we are in Italy now. could you please tell us how we can unlock this SIM? Best Regards Sean Lawlor
Hello, I have an o2 DSL connection in my previous apartment and everything was working fine until i moved into a new apartment on 31.05.2019. It's been more than 45 days now and i still have no working internet at home. I created many useless tickets but they were simply closed without the problem being solved. I had an appointment with 4 technicians, out of which 3 showed up and 1 didn't even visit me while i was waiting for him from 14-20. And after all these, none of them were able to successfully get the internet running. One of them even blamed the o2 home box router. Earlier I was using my own router and now I even ordered o2 homebox hoping that, it would solve my problem. I am tired of waiting and hoping for this problem to be solved and hence I would like to terminate my contract earlier than the given date. I called the cancelation team and when i asked them to terminate my contract earlier, they said they need a confirmation from the technical team stating
Hallo, meine Internetverbindung ist von heute Morgen getrennt und es ist schon einige Male passiert. Was soll ich machen? Sorry, my German is not good, I just used translator 🙂
Dear O2, I just recieved a call from Mauritania(+222 38445850) and it rang for 7 seconds. I called back by mistake and there was a song playing in the phone. I thought I was traped in a scame. I am really afriad that I was charged for higly expensive bill. Therefore, I want to report this scam and ask if it is going to add more fees to my monthly rent since I have held up the phone for around 2 and half minites and I could not check the bill at the moment. Is there any security risk for my phone ? What shall I do to prevent potential costs? thanks.
I have a question in regard to canceling the mobile contract because moving abroad. My contract will be ended in January 2019 (24 months contract) but I have to move back to Thailand by the end of September 2018. As I know, I have to fill in the form and send it O2 with supporting documents. a deregistration certificate of your present place of residence in Germany a notification of your new, foreign domicile alternatively a confirmation of your employer or landlord My questions are: 1) For the deregistration certificate, it seems I can have it at the earliest in the last two weeks of September (before my leaving from Germany). Is it possible to process my cancelation just within the weeks before I leave? 2) How much amount of fee I have to pay? For the remaining months until January 2019 or just 3 months after the time of cancelation? 3) I buy the phone with the mobile contract, the remaining paying for the phone will be charged with the usage fee or in the separate bill?
Hi O2, Im a new customer and I am starting to regret that I went for the internet with yourselves. You shipped my router via DHL and I have been waiting for two weeks now. First time DHL claimed that they could not find anyone at home, so they returned the package to you. EVEN THOUGH I WAS AT HOME ALL DAY WAITING FOR THEM. (My name IS on the bell) Now that you shipped the router again, DHL has decided to leave the package at a package station in Berlin, instead of my home address as request AND DID NOT LEAVE A NOTIFICATION NOTE WITH THE BARCODE OR QR CODE TO ACCESS THE PACKAGE STATION. My router is in this package station and I cannot access it. I have contacted you 3 times, and you promised to send me the bar code number, however no one has reached out to me. I have contacted DHL multiple times and no one is willing to help me. I AM PAYING FOR THIS AND THIS IS A GREAT INCONVENIENCE AS I NEED INTERNET TODAY FOR MY JOB. I kindly request that you resolve this issue immediately.
I have ordered a new sim card and I do not want to activate it anymore. It's a prepaid sim so I did not pay anything for it. Do I just ignore the SIM card or do I have to send an email to this situation?
Hello, I took over a rental contract. The O2 connection in my flat is registered in the name of the previous tenant. I wish to transfer it to my name. Please assist me with the same. Danke! Edit by o2_Tatjana: Moved Thread to an other category
Since this morning I can neither send nor receive any message via my o2 line. What should I do?
Hi there I'd like to know how to take Vodafone to O2. I have already purchased a mobile phone & sim card online and just arrived. It's a post-paid contract.
Hello o2 Moderators, I need the PUK code for my wife’s prepaid SIM urgently as we are travelling through Europe and cannot used the SIM as it is locked. My original post post is here One moderator was helping me but has now stopped responding. I cannot private message that moderator or o2 support because they are not following me. I have been trying to sort out this issue for over a week now. I need o2 support to send me the PUK code. I will provide the phone number and address and DOB in private message. Thank You