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Dear O2 team. my bill is not correct! This afternoon, ONLY AFTET I crossed board from Serbia INTO Hungary, in a Hungary gas station (which was out of gas), I started to use internet check next gas station just for minutes. Then, sixteen more euro was taken away. Definetely I used it within Hungary land. If you check my position, you can confirm it. I think this cost should be cancelled, and related money should be returned to my account. many thanks!
Dear O2 team. my bill is not correct! This afternoon, ONLY AFTET I crossed board from Serbia INTO Hungary, in a Hungary gas station (which was out of gas), I started to use internet check next gas station just for minutes. Then, sixteen more euro was taken away. Definetely I used it within Hungary land. If you check my position, you can confirm it. I think this cost should be cancelled, and related money should be returned to my account. many thanks!

@user12345678 if you was still in the Serbia network then the eu charging was not active!

Serbia is not in the eu!
thanks for telling me that. Anyway in hungary when i used the internet. i know this rule before. so. i know i should use internet after i enter hungary. thank you.

Dear O2 team. my bill is not correct! This afternoon, ONLY AFTET I crossed board from Serbia INTO Hungary, in a Hungary gas station (which was out of gas), I started to use internet check next gas station just for minutes. Then, sixteen more euro was taken away. Definetely I used it within Hungary land. If you check my position, you can confirm it. I think this cost should be cancelled, and related money should be returned to my account. many thanks!@user12345678 if you was still in the Serbia network then the eu charging was not active!

Serbia is not in the eu!

thanks for telling me that. Anyway in hungary when i used the internet. i know this rule before. so. i know i should use internet after i enter hungary. thank you.

curreny, i am still in hungary (since this afternoon), and will return to germany day after tomorrow.
Dear O2 team, I used internet yestoday afternoon within Hungary land, not Serbia. Thus, the internet fee of 16 Euro more is not fare for me. Could you please check my location carefully? Many thanks!
Hi @user12345678,

I moved your question to a new thread in order to avoid confusion with the old thread.

The 16 EUR on 30.07.19 were charged because your phone connected to a Serbian network, even though you may have alreday been in Hungary.

While I understand it can be confusing or frustrating when you're crossing borders between EU- and Non-EU-nations, this is something we cannot change or influence. Our data system only shows the actual network the connection is made with, and that is the one that is being charged (or not).

Best regards,


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