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Customer No. xxx266, I having issue with my billing since 1 year & I am in touch with the person with whom I made the contract but still now I haven't received the correct bill nor proper response. I am now frustrated with the higher payment every month though there is nothing fault from my side. I never expected this kind customer service from a reputed company like O2. Could you please help me to correct my billing & settlement of excess paid amount? Thanks Samit Edit by o2_Andrea: data protection - customer ID delited
Dear O2 service, I have an O2 mobile contract that has a "spätester Kündigungstermin" in March and I would like to announce that I don't want to extend the contract for another year. I went to the O2 shop on Tauentzienstraße 8 in Berlin to announce that I don't want to extend the contract. A helpful O2 employee at the shop assisted me by writing and sending a fax to the headquarters, stating that I don't want to extend my contract. This was in October 2018. However, it seems as that didn't work and that I still have yet to announce that I don't want to extend my contract for one more year. My question is: Am I missing something or did the fax work to end my contract? - meaning, will the contract end in June or will it be extended for one more year? Next question: If the fax didn't work. What do I have to do so that my contract won't be extended for another year? Best Regards,
On 03.05.2017 I ordered a mobile phone and a contract from O2. I did the purchase via my employee benefits website as an O2 partner employee. On 04.05. 2017 I received a confirmation email that my new number is XXXXXXXX-943 and I am in O2 Free L package. On 04.05.2017 I also received an email from Rabeconcept confirming the same details for an O2 Free L package and a black Huawei P10 Lite phone. Later that year, on 24.11.2017 I ordered just a mobile phone without contract from O2. I received an email, Auftragsbestaetigung for the Huawei P10, black phone. Auftragsnummer: XXXXXXX This is all I ordered from O2 and I am still an active customer and happy with the service. On 11.07.2019 I called O2 customer service because I had a couple of questions regarding my tariff. A very helpful agent helped me to find out that I have another mobile contract on my name which I have never even ordered, and I had no idea that it existed. He pointed out that I have been paying for an ex
Hello, I am moving abroad on 30. November 2019. My mobile contract is due to expire on 27. March 2020. I have read all the forms (and numerous forums). I am trying to decide whether to submit for extraordinary cancellation because of moving abroad or to just submit a cancellation at the end of my contract period. Everything keeps referencing an "all inclusive basic fee" but I cannot find any information about how much this fee is and whether it is higher than my regular monthly bill or not. Given how close I will be to the end of my contract when I leave, what is the cheapest option? What fees would I be required to pay if I cancelled at the end of my contract period? How much is the "all inclusive basic fee" and what additional fees are added on early cancellation due to moving abroad? Thank you in advance for your help.
Hello, I would like to port my prepaid O2 number to another provider however i don't know how can do it, can you please proceed for me? Thanks.
Hello, I have a postpaid mobile plan for my two numbers. I requested for cancelling the contract in may (effect August,2019) via mail and had submitted my documents , I recieved and acknowledgement mail and I send a duly filled form confirming to be charged with basic fees. I guess either the mail did not reach , I did not hear anything and then recieved an e-mail which said that my contract would be terminated on August 2020. Please could you help me clearing it up. I want the contract to end in August, 2019. I had submitted all the documents earlier. I have send another post today. I tried callig up 02 since two days and I dont get a support in English and no cooperation with my "not so good" deutsch.
Hi, we have had our DSL installed in late July, everything was working fine but last week, the router failed to connect. We have tried everything with the routerthe hotline suggested without any success so we got an appointment with a technician on the next Monday. I was waiting at home (taking time off work), the technician did not show up. Rescheduled for next day for the same time period. When I arrrived home at 13:55, I already had a notice in the mailbox that I was not at home at 14:05 (so clearly lying). Another reschedule - technician did not show up. And another one today - technician did not show up. We had to take 4 half days off our work, additionally, we are still paying for the internet that we do not recieve. I do not understand why O2 does not care about its customers, it is the worst customer service I have experienced in any country. What kind of a solution can you offer to our problem?
Hello! I’ve been paying the Professional S tarif for 2 years now and I just realized the Home L would be way better. Is it possible to change this? My contract got recently autorenewed but this tarif doesn’t make sense to me because it’s too slow and I pay way too much for what I’m getting! Please help! :) Thank you so much
Germany: New Law Allows Consumer Class Actions(July 31, 2018) On July 17, 2018, a new law to allow consumer class actions (“model declaratory proceedings”) was published in Germany’s Federal Law Gazette. The Act will enter into force on November 1, 2018. (Gesetz zur Einführung einer zivilprozessualen Musterfeststellungsklage [Act to Introduce Civil Model Declaratory Proceedings], July 12, 2018, Bundesgesetzblatt [BGBl.] [FEDERAL LAW GAZETTE] I at 1151.) Qualified Institutions to Bring Class Actions The Act authorizes certain qualified institutions to sue a company on behalf of consumers at the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht OLG). “Qualified institutions” are defined as institutions that are qualified according to the German Act on Injunctive Relief (UKlaG) to bring representative actions on behalf of consumers and that are composed of at least ten other consumer protection associations or at least 350 natural persons; have been on the list of associations qualified to
Hello I have paid extra money by mistake to the telefonica company is there anything that I can do now?
Hi! I would like to cancel my Prepaid M package, the whole contract, but as I registered my debit card info there’s no simple way to do it, is there a way to cancel my chip and do it in English? I tried to comunícate several times but they only speak German. Or as it is prepaid should I just stop worrying? Do u have a support e-mail in English?
Hi, I requested a change of tariff on 23.07.2019, which was confirmed on 24.07.2019 via SMS, email, O2 web portal and O2 mobile app. I see the correct details (i.e. the new tariff with proper start date and monthly cost) on O2 web portal and O2 mobile app, but I received a receipt of the last month's bill today, which has been charged from 05.07.2019 to 04.08.2019, despite the fact that my new tariff started on 23.07.2019. I would expect to be charged with a portion of my old tariff from 05.07.2019 to 22.07.2019 and then be charged according to my new tariff from 23.07.2019 onward. Could you please, clarify this discrepancy and adjust my billing to reflect the new tariff. Thanks!
I ended a contract in May, but I still get emails saying the bills are being debited from my account. I want to know why this is happening since I already terminated this contract, and if there's any open bill on my name -- since I can't have access to this o2 account online Thank you so much. Best, Gabriela Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben von DSL zu Englisch
Hello, I have sent a letter for cancellation of my O2 contract on 05-Aug-2019 to following address but I have not received any email from o2. Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG kundenbetreuung Nuremberg 90345 Nurmberg I have tried to send the documents also by fax but your fax isn't working. I have left Germany and for my it's impossible to send the documents again and also I already closed the bank account that was associated with o2. How can I know that the letter was received? and O2 contract is cancelled?
Estou mudando para o apartamento, e já tenho uma conexão com a internet, tenho para contrato meu de DSL. Meu contrato é de 24 meses, mas eu acabei de usar por 6 meses. Como eu poderia proceder? Tentei como 02 mas não falo inglês. Por favor, como posso cancelar meu contrato?
Hallo ich habe einen o2 vertrag bis september nächsten jahres, wenn du interessiert bist, melde dich bei mir!
Hello I have signed up for a contract on the 10th of July 2019 and it's been a month that I haven't received a SIM Karte , i cant register fully on the website because i havent recieved it yet so this account is linked only to the same email address my vertrag was sent to, i tried calling the hotline and ive went to a o2 center and they asked me to pay 30€ as if its an ersatz sim karte although i havent recieved it yet and im paying for nothing .
Hi I have signed a contract for DSL with O2 due to having moved from Berlin to Frankfurt on 1.4.2019. First of all the O2 Technician talked to me on the phone in a very unusual way - very rubbish. Then the O2 sent the first modem to my former address in Berlin. Then I spoke to at least 4 people from O2 in order to confirm the new address. Then another technician came and put the address in the system. And today your colleague told me that you sent the 2nd voucher to some other address and even seemed like she was proud of it. slowly considering to terminate the contract and hope you won’t charge me the month of June as due to your mistakes I couldn’t use the internex
Hello O2 Community, I applied for an O2 contact through DeinHandy with a lock in period for two years. I also got a mobile phone that time. The contract began on June 2017 and was renewed March 2019. But I have continued to pay for the Tarifzuschlag of 10 euros after the contract was extended. I asked around here when the last payment for the Tarifzuschlag (Handy) would end and I was told that it would be reflect in my June 2019 bill. Today, I checked my bill and the Tarifzuschlag is still there. I already got a new phone directly from O2 because I thought that my DeinHandy payment would be finished by June 2019. Any information about this would be really helpful. Thank you!
In 2016 I started an internet contract with O2 on a temporary apartment that I was living in. When I moved out, I sent a letter to transfer the ownership of the contract to the person that moved in. When she moved out, she tried to cancel this contract but she found out that it was still under my name. The only thing that was transferred to her name was the direct debit account. Then I sent a letter to cancel this contract, but one year after, I still receive emails with the internet bills. I try to login and recover the unpaid bills but I have no access to the online profile. To be able to access that, I'm offered to have the PKK number sent to my address, but I no longer live there anymore. How can I access the open bills so I can pay for everything and close my account once and for all? I already went to the o2 shop but they have no access to this system. And there's no english support by phone. Please help me!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! My customer number is: xxxxxxxx
Hi, I sent my cancelation letter to O2 two weeks ago and no sign of confirmation. On the web account there is no Kündigungstermin date. I sent the letter with signature so I have proof of O2 receiving it. Can someone please tell me how long I have to wait for the confirmation? The deadline is approaching fast... Thank you