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Hello! I’ve been paying the Professional S tarif for 2 years now and I just realized the Home L would be way better. Is it possible to change this? My contract got recently autorenewed but this tarif doesn’t make sense to me because it’s too slow and I pay way too much for what I’m getting!

Please help! :)

Thank you so much
Dear @Gabriela S. ,

first of all, welcome to our forum. Nice that you have found the way to us. :-)

When you change from a professional tariff to a private client rariff you loose the option "Web & mail Profile XL (free)". Do you realize that?

Do you have any questions about using our community? Then take a look at Neu in der o2 Community? Die wichtigsten Funktionen und Hinweise auf einen Blick. There you will find all the information you need to use!

Kind regards,

Thanks for your answer! Yes, I want to change my tariff because I don’t use any of the advantages of the professional one. So I’d rather get more speed on the private tariff! How should I proceed?


Dear @Gabriela S. ,

I can make you the following offer:

The o2 My Home L has a basic price of 34.99 euros. I can give you a discount of 24 x 2.50 euros, so you come monthly to a price of 32.49 euros. The fee for the AMV FritzBox 7490 is monthly 3.99 euros. The price for shipping and connection fee is omitted. Product change fees do not apply because you are switching from a DSL Classic S to a higher-value tariff. You will then pay for 24 months monthly 32.49 euros + 3.99 euros = 36.48 euros.

What do you think about?

In accordance with the Transparency Ordinance, I would like to draw your attention to our product information sheets, which you can download at sheet. There you will find all product details listed again (without discounts).

Kind regards,


Edit by o2_Andrea: Korrektur Typenbezeichnung FritzBox

Moin Moin @o2_Andrea,

es tut mir wirklich leid (ich hätte auch eine PM geschrieben) aber besteht die Möglichkeit das Du dich bei der Typenbezeichnung der Fritzbox vertippt hast🤔 Könnte es sein das die 3 nicht eher eine 4 werden sollte?

Wenn ich mich irre, dann bitte ich vielmals um Entschuldigung.
Hello andrea! Thanks for the answer and the offer.

I would like to accept it but I already have a fritzbox and it’s the same model, 3490. Can I just keep it?

thank you so much once again


@Gabriela S. if the 3490 is you own router you can keep the router. If the router is a rent router included to you "old" contract you need a new router. Because after canceling the old contract you also cancel the rent for the 3490...

If you buy the router (online or in a shop) there is no need to rent a O2 router.

But i would like to think that you rent the 3490 in the old contract...
I corrected the type reference to 7490.
Dear @Gabriela S. ,

yes, you can keep your FritzBox 7490, but you still have to pay 3,99 euros a month for it, because in the new tariff it is not free (except it is your own router an not one of ours).

Kind regards,


Hello @Gabriela S.,

if you are still interestes in changing your tariff please leave a note in this thread and I will get in touch with you via priavte message :-)


Hello @o2_Lars! I'm still interested in changing my tariff.

Please contact me! Thank you so much


Hi @Gabriela S.,

please write a private message to @o2_VVL so we can make you an offer. We are happy to hear from you.

Best regards, Ines.

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