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I ended a contract in May, but I still get emails saying the bills are being debited from my account.

I want to know why this is happening since I already terminated this contract, and if there's any open bill on my name -- since I can't have access to this o2 account online

Thank you so much.



Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben von DSL zu Englisch

Hello @Gabriela S.,

did you sent your router back to us?

Looks to me like the charge for the hardware.

Please send your phone number an your personal identification code (4 digits) as private message to @o2_Support and i will have a closer look. ☺️


No, I haven't sent the router back. But this email is saying this amount is been charged from this account, right?

I already sent all my info to the @o2_Support but nobody answers me. The phone number to this closed contract is xy and I have no pin number. And I can't have it sent to me because I no longer live in this apartment.

I just need to know if there's anything left to pay on this closed contract, because I don't want to have trouble for not paying bills I didn't even know existed.

Thank you so much



Edit by o2_Katja: Rufnummer entfernt
@o2_Katja Can you please just check if this contract is really cancelled?

Because I shouldn't be receiving any more bills, right?

Edit by o2_Katja: Screenshot einer PN mit Kundennummer und Rufnummer entfernt

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