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I have signed a contract for DSL with O2 due to having moved from Berlin to Frankfurt on 1.4.2019. First of all the O2 Technician talked to me on the phone in a very unusual way - very rubbish. Then the O2 sent the first modem to my former address in Berlin. Then I spoke to at least 4 people from O2 in order to confirm the new address. Then another technician came and put the address in the system. And today your colleague told me that you sent the 2nd voucher to some other address and even seemed like she was proud of it.

slowly considering to terminate the contract and hope you won’t charge me the month of June as due to your mistakes I couldn’t use the internex
Go to the Mein O2 Page and login.

Klick on Mein Daten and change your adress.
Yes yes, thank you for your hint tip, but I have done this several weeks ago. Even told the current address 4x to different O2 staff members. But obviously it didn’t help.....
Hi @LukasKu,

thanks for your message.

I have just sent a private message via o2_Support to you.

Please reply there to my private message.

Thanks a lot.

Loving greetings,


even after more than 10 days I haven’t received:

  • my router
  • that crazy form or whatever your colleagues asked me to fill in because of your recent mistake when you sent the router to Berlin instead to Frankfurt
  • any notification from DHL about the package eventhough I have got a message from you HERE before my vacation that the router has been sent to my Frankfurt address.
Based on this I am now seriously considering to cancel the whole contract as I have never seen such a crap service like this. 2,5 months and still no chance to use it. And I can’t believe it as my mobile contract works without any problem.....

  1. Login to Mein O2 (don't use any private mode!)
  2. open a nother tab in you browser an open this page:
  4. Klick on the "Mein O2" link marked yellow

  1. Fill out the forms that appear in the following process.

End very thing will be fine.
Hi - I am not interested in “Umzug”. I signed a completely new contract for Frankfurt and my address in the profile is correct.....
Nice job. That you have 2 contract's. One for the old address and one for the new address.

Have you cancelte the Berlin contract? Have you send the private message to @o2_Tobias as he ask for?
I haven’t got any contract in Berlin.....

And yes, I replied to him2 weeks ago and he wrote me a message in the same time that my modem will arrive to my Frankfurt address in 5 days. This means it’s been delayed by 9 days and the whole story started at the beginning of May....
If you get all ready the login/account data for you landline, buy a fritzbox 7530 and you have internet.
Hi @LukasKu,

thanks for your message.

I have just sent a private message via o2_Support to you.

Please reply there to my private message.

Thanks a lot.

Loving greetings,



can I please get a final feedback about when my router will FINALLY be delivered?
Hello @LukasKu,

we apologize for the inconvenience, it looks to me like the router finally arrived?


It arrived last Friday, but doesn’t work.... I was told a visit from the technician may take again 2-3 weeks and i am leaving for vacation next week, so at the end it would be even longer. For this reason I have asked about the options for the termination of this contract, even though I am still happy with my mobile phone contract.....
Hello @LukasKu,

as far as I can see a ticket with our technical DSL hotline was already openend and an apointment for the technician was already made.


Sorry, I was told that if the connection reset on your side will not work, somebody will get in touch and reconfirm the date for the technician to come. As many times before, I haven’t got any information about his visit, so I have no idea which date has been set. I also can not take a half day free (or I don’t find it normal) everytime and then the visit takes just 10 minutes.....
OK, a lot of weird calls in the last 2,5 months with your helpline where only 1 colleague understood my deep disappointment.... Today a technician came and immediately found out that the cables were wrong connected in the box on the street and that’s why my modem didn’t work. Actually my modem arrived after 2,5 months of consecutive arguing with your helpline and after you sent it - no wonder why - to Berlin instead to Frankfurt. No idea why the first technician told me in June that everything is OK and will work - didn’t work! I would just expect at least some word “Sorry” for 2,5 months spent with this crap, one router sent to Berlin instead of Frankfurt, some people on the helpdesk giving me totally different information etc etc. You always call me in the worst times with some special offers for my mobile that I absolutely don’t need and when I need a help, I just heard “This is how it is, you MUST do that, we can’t help you”..... I have been paying 50 EUR for my mobile every month since 2014, but my contract is going to end in December and I will really consider if I wish to extend after this experience.... And I hope you haven’t charged me anything until now for this rollercoaster!!

Edit by o2_Katja: Themen zusammengeführt
Since the technicician does not have just one apointment and it is often not really foreseeable how long it may take to fix an issue it is only possible to give a time window in which the technician will appear.

After haveing a look at your DSL connection I see that the apointment on the 18th did fix the issues you had with the connection and it is up and running now :-)


Yes, he solved the problem.... I was expecting something like a “sorry” from O2 because he found out that the first technician in mid June did a complete mess with the cable connection, so I literally could have saved all the 1 month of nervous calls, time etc spent with your helpline between mid June and mid july . But not a single word of excuse from O2. Strange. I even had to pay around 60 EUR for this visit.

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