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Hello O2,

Unfortunately I will have to leave Germany and I will have to cancel my DSL contract with O2. It is a 24 month contract. As far as I know, in order to cancel the contract I have to send a letter requesting the cancellation. This letter must specify the date I would like the contract to end and I must also agree to pay the three month basic fee for early cancellation. In addition I must also send the following documents:

  • Deregistration (Abmeldung)
  • Proof of tenancy agreement in the other country.

Finally I will also have to send back the router given to me by O2.

My question is: Is there something that I am missing?

I would also like to verify the address to which I must submit my cancellation request, and if different, the address to which I must send the router.

Thank you very much for your help.
Hello @amon57,

I have to admit that you are really well informed and that you are missing exactly nothing :-)

You will find a form to fill out and send back to us under this link, ebven if this form was originally made for a mobile contract it can also be used for your landline DSL contract, the address to send back is exactly the same.

You can send back your DSL router free of charge using our DSL logistics portal.

If there are any questions left, don't hesitate to get in touch with us here :-)



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