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Warum O2

I have bought O2 paket from O2 shop for 60 Euro a month all inclusive DSL home internet and unlimited mobile data, minute tarrif. This paket was having flex property can be cancelled anytime with a one month warning.

In the meantime Customer care has proposed me on the telephone she could reduce my 60 Euro to 40 Euro with the same benefits, no additional payment, but in case 24 months contract. I had accepted that proposal. However in less than 2 weeks time, I have undertood O2 has charged me 163 Euro!! Yes it is not a joke.

I can share the invoice here. 99,99 Euro for my mobile number one time payment! And more over all, can you imagine I have purchased a 60 Euro package, but they have charged me after, their so called discounted tariff more than 63 Euro :)

How can a man understand that? I was happy that they could propose me a lower price tariff but it came out to be a trap.

This situation is making me so uncomfortable and unhappy. O2 is careless about this issue.


Edit: This Post gets this new thread Connection fee on bill but it should be free.. It comes from Change of Tariff in Contract - o2_Marco 01.08.22 14:35

Hi @Alliuzun,

I understand, that you want to get a fast solution for your issue here, but please be aware to not to post many of the same request.
This is not helpful for you and us to find a solution. :)

What is the name of the first tariff you had and the new one, that you get an offer of on the phone?
If you want to cancel the new contract and go back to the old one, you can do this within the first 14 days after ordering with this formular or you can contact our colleagues on our hotline.

Best regards,

Hi Juliane,

I have purchased an O2 One Unlimited Home 100 Flex package which included unlimited internet and minutes plus SMS on mobile and DSL internet with a fixed home telephone for a monthly 60 Euro and with cancellation option anytime with 1 month warning. That was the start point. 

Than on the telephone O2 tried to convince me to accept a better tarrif so called for my benefit o2 Free Unlimited Smart. Instead of 60 Euro, you will pay only 40 Euro. That was the whole story. 

Now O2 prepares a trap for a customer and send a 163 Euro invoice !!!! Can you please tell me what is the base for that??? Also can you tell me is it for benefit of a customer or it is a kind of trick to get more money from customer rather then convincing customer to stay longer with O2? First time I could see such an approach. It is not fair nor correct way of gaining trust of customers. How do you plan to solve this issue?


Thank you

Kind Regards


Hi @Alliuzun,
I welcome you to our community. Thank you for your patience.
What exactly does it say on the invoice that it is so high? Is it your first invoice or have you received any before?
You can also upload an anonymized screenshot of your invoice here, then we can take a look at it together.

Kind regards

Edit by o2_Andrea: Rufnummern anonymisiert - Datenschutz

Guten Morgen 

Es war erste Rechnung. 

Good morning Larissa

While purchasing the o2 home internet and including mobile, agency told me no any first time cost like installation or one time payment. But bow I can see they charges for my mobile number


Thank you,

Best regsrds

Ali Uzun 

Dear @Alliuzun ,

welcome to our community. ❄️

I was happy to take a look at your bill and do some research. You have chosen an o2 One Unlimited Mobile Flex. The one-off connection fee of 99.99 euros is correct in this case. It is only waived in the case of a fixed-term tariff of 24 months. This was also confirmed to you in the rate information email dated February 28th 2022.
In addition, if the associated mobile phone contract o2 One Unlimited Mobile is cancelled or changed so that there is no longer an o2 One Unlimited Mobile, the DSL tariff becomes more expensive again because the discount, which is only available in the combination, no longer applies.
If you have not booked an additional card for the o2 One unlimited Mobile, which would then automatically become the corresponding o2 One unlimited main tariff, then the discount of 40 euros on the DSL tariff will no longer apply. Therefore, you will probably have to pay 40 euros per month for the fixed network connection in the next bill. 😩

Kind regards,



Hi Anrea,


Thank you for your investigation. But unfortunately I was not informed about such losses while being proposed of the new contracts. I was believed to get a better choice proposal. However I was really put in a trouble now.


As far as I understood. now everything has been messed up.

Could we cancel o2 One unlimited Mobile  that has been just recently bought and activated.?


Thank you


Best Regards,


ALi Uzun

Dear @Alliuzun ,

if you are within the 14 days withdrawal period you can use this form: Withdrawal mobile an sent it by email to us. When your withdrawal period is over, I have to find out if we can make a change to the old tariff. This I would do on Monday, when you give me a feedback, because I will soon be off work.

Kind regards,


I have just checked +4917631682692 and it seems it is still within 14 days. I am filling and sending the Form today. I hope it can be resolved. 


Really thank you very much for your efforts Andrea. Have a nice weekend

Dear @Alliuzun ,

that sounds good. I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly. 😉

Kind regards,


Hello Dear Andrea,

I have seen that the problematic +4917631682692 contract has been cancelled last week.

I hope and believe my problems can be solved.

I sincerely request your efforts to finalise this issue.

The history of my problems started when I have been informed by O2 telephone represantative that a better option is proposed by her. She has not informed me about any possible losses or charges rather than that I was sure it was a better and advantagous option since I am signing a 24 months binding contract.
If my problem persist to exist further I would like to apply for a dispute and I am complaining to O2 about the employee of misconduct and misdirecting me about my losses. I cannot accpet to be mis directed and I lose and spend my last 1,5 months for dealing with problems I have with O2.
This is really not acceptable. I dont accept that my original contract and tariff is not valid and on my disbenefit changed.
I really dont have any strength, power, time and motivation to continue this quarell. Please solve my problem without my loss compared to my originally purchased contract in Osterode O2 shop.

Thank you

Kind Regards

Ali Uzun



Hello Alliuzun,

I have sent you a private message for exchange of personal data. You will find it in your inbox.

I am sure that we will find a solution to your issue.

Best regards


Hello Giulia,


unfortunately result as overall is still unsatisfactorily.

I have received another invoice of 75 euro and no refund .

that is so sad. I am unhappy really with the result


best regards

Ali Uzun

Hello @Alliuzun,

I have sent you another private message and apologize this is taking longer than expected.

Best regards


Hello Giulia,

I want to ask you about refund of the 99,99 Euro which had been charged to me in the first invoice but i was informed there will be no one-time charge by the O2 branch office in Osterode.


Thank you,


Ali Uzun

Hello @Alliuzun,


thank you for your post. 😊 The 99€ are generally correct. Is the information for this discount in your contract? Please control this point and write us here the result. 


Best regards, Marco

Hello Marco,


I have been informed that combined DSL and mobile under O2 Unlimited Home 100 tariff was not going to be charged. Also please find the statement below. However unfortunately was not the case,


Thank you,


Best Rgerads

ALi Uzun




Hi @Alliuzun,


the marked text means: “When it is technical possible, then the tarif o2 One Unlimited Home 100 could be booked without monthly basic fee.” - So, the text didnt tell something about the issue you have with the one-time connection fee (activation fee). Regardless of this, I’ve started a credit posting for you a few days ago, as a good will. 😊 I hope, that I get the confirmation for the booking as soon as possible. 🍀


Best regards, Marco

Hi Marco,

Thank you very much for your good approach and will. I really appreciate and wish you all the best and health.

Have a nice day

Best regards

 Ali Uzun 

Hello @Alliuzun,


it´s my pleasure. 😊 

Stay healthy an I wish you all the best as well.


Kind regards, Marco

Really great thanks Marco,


stay healthy and happy

kind regards

Ali Uzun

Hello @Alliuzun,


when you needs help again, then please come back in to our community. You are welcome every time. 😊 Alternativeley, it could be helpful to look in to our FAQ


Best regards, Marco

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