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Warum O2

Hi everyone.


I am new to O2 and would like to port my old number to O2. I am a prepaid customer and have no contract. I appreciate any help you can offer. Thank you. 




edit o2_Solveig: verschoben von Prepaid → English o2 Community : Mobile

Hello, I got a new phone contract from O2 a few days ago and I was told I can bring my old number with me to O2 once I register on the account with the new number from an O2 store employee. How can I do that?


edit o2_Solveig: verschoben von Mobilfunk → english o2 Community: Mobile 

How do you do this if you have no contract? In the O2 app I don’t see “Tariff & SIM-Karte”.

Hi @Marie_Ross

welcome to our English Community. Nice to meet you here. 

First of all, I would like to ask you, not to write several messages for the same topic. 

I just have read that you have an o2-prepaid card. Did you already activate the card? If not, please follow the steps described here: Activation of your prepaid-card Just switch the language into English there. 

Afterwards, follow the steps described here under the point “Transferring your phone number to o2”: 

I hope the information is helpful for you. 


Loving greetings,


Hi Tobias,

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately this does mot help. My number has been active for a few days and the page you provided does not work. I have tried it before I posted here. I’m not sure what else to do. I filled a transfer form a on Tuesday and it said I had done this correctly. But i got a message the next day onlyvto say my regular O2 number has been activated. 


I’m not sure what to do





Hi @Marie_Ross

do you have a new o2-prepaid-card or a new o2-contract?

The number that you now have is not your old number, right?

If you have now a postpaid-contract, please registrate your new number at “Mein o2”: New registration

Afterwards, please follow these instructions: Rufnummer zu o2 mitnehmen (take your number to o2)

I hope that works for you. 


Loving greetings,



I watch d to port my number o2, after many failed attempts with the Rufnummermutnahme, an o2 worker in the shop in my city said the only way I can port my numbers is to make a contract a small contract at 4,99. I had already called my current service provider to order a number transfer. My number was released the same day. After a few days, o2 informed me that my request to port the number was declined by my current provider. This was over 5weeks ago. I confirmed with my currently today o2 has been harassing me with emails from the service provider multiple times and they have released the number. 


What o2 has refused to acknowledge is that 3 weeks ago I contacted their English helpline about this problem, and the person there could not even find my name let alone the contract. Upon further check, they did find my IBAN but that is because the person at the shop got my personal information wrong. This automatically invalidates any signed contract because it does not match my information. I was advised by the English helpline to write to their office and request that they cancel it because the shop in my city says they do not have the authority to cancel it. One week after sending the letter, the o2 Ruhnummermitnahme office contacted me again and said I should return to the store I explained that I have already been there and told him what they said. I am waiting for a response to the cancellation request. Instead,  until now I have still not received any replacement sim card but o2. I have had back and forth emails with them several times to cancel the contract but they refused to do that. Now without any sim card or the number for a contact, they want to start charging me for nothing.  I need help to stop this from going further. If o2 cannot port my number as promised, they should simply cancel the contract. 


edit o2_Tobias: moved from “o2 Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife” to our English Community

Hi @Marie_Ross

I moved everything to one thread. 

When I understand you correctly, you would like to port your Lyca-prepaid-number to o2 postpaid. Is this correct?

Did you release your Lyca-prepaid-number for porting? 

And did you check if you have 6,82 € credit on your prepaid-card?

I just asked because the porting to o2 was rejected out of these reasons. 

Additionally, you need a sim-card for your o2 postpaid-contract, right?

Did you not get a sim-card in the shop when you ordered the contract?

Of course, you also can get a sim-card here with a charge of 29,99 €. 

Just let me know if anything is unclear. 


Loving greetings,



Hi Tobias,


my number was released even before I bought an o2 SIM card. I had sufficient funds on the card. That was why my number was released.

No, I have not received any replacement card for this contract, and that is strange why o2 wants to charge me for rendering no service to me.

Secondly, this was supposed to be atop up contact of 4,99, this is what was offered to me to port my number but now it is 9,99. Everything that seems wrong with the contract that was drawn.

To make it worse, I managed to go into another o2 shop yesterday, since where I opened my account was closed at the time. The person there found that o2 charged me twice for the contract starting fee, and that is why I have received a bill of 89,99 for the first month.

I found out later from your English helpline that the o2 worker made a mistake when registering my information. Which meant the Lyca mobile bot/system would not recognize the information when a request is made (this is just my thinking). However, with wrong information then definitely something went wrong with the request. I have since requested o2 several times to correct this or cancel the contract but still nothing. 

Hi @Marie_Ross

thanks for your quick reply. 

According to your contract that you signed, I do not see that you received a discount for the activation-fee of 39,99 €. 

But I see that you received 2 packs “o2 My Data Unlimited”, one is for 1 month for free and is already deactivated, the other one was charged right from the beginning. 

I will give you a credit now for the first month. Would you like to deactivate the o2 My Data Unlimited-Pack? 

Just let me know. 

Additionally, I have ordered an exchanging sim-card to be delivered to your contact-address. Of course, the activation is free of charge.The sim-card will arrive within the next 5 working-days. 

You wrote that you have sent a letter concerning an immediate cancellation of this contract. Until now, I only see an e-mail-conversation. As the contract was made in one of our shops, only the shop can agree to an immediate cancellation. 

But I have contacted our shop-department now and asked for a solution and/ or immediate cancellation. I hope that we still will find an adequate solution for you. 


Loving greetings,


Dear Tobias,

you have been most helpful. It has been hell for the last few weeks with letters, calls, and emails back and forth.

It should not be the case, the o2  service agent in Bayreuth informed me that I was to pay only for the activation fee and not for the unlimited because it was supposed to be a “welcome present from o2”. So, I do not understand why I’m being charged for that. 

Secondly, I did not ask for an unlimited pack, so cancel it. Your service agent in the shop said it would only be for free for the first month and then stop. As I said, something went very wrong with this whole contract process.

Please confirm that if I understood youncoreectly, you are saying that the porting of my number from my Lyca mobile to o2 is now successful and the contact of 4,99 as was promised is what it entails. Also, I need you to ensure that this extra unlimited charge is taken off. 

I addressed the letter to cancel the Kundenbetruung in Nürnberg as directed by your English service. The letter was delivered on October 9th. If you can cabcel the entire cobtrat I would prefer that. However, if the contract of €4,99 monthly along with porting my number to o2 is possible I will take that. 

The problem is that since I had not received even a copy of the contract nor a replacement sim card, but only a message from your Munich Rufnummermitnahme office, I didn't know that a new number already existed in my name. The Munich office initially asked me to wait a few days for the situation to be resolved in the first week. However, afterward, they started saying that the problem was with Lyca mobile.


I wanted to go to your shop today. However, I will wait for your response to this last message before doing so. Again, thank you. 


Hi @Marie_Ross

thanks for your reply. 

According to your wish, I have now cancelled the pack “o2 my Data Unlimited”. The cancellation-date for this pack will be the 27th November. If you see any charge for this pack on the following invoices, just let me know. I will give you a credit for all charges concerning this pack. 

You will receive a letter from our shop-department in the next days. Unfortunately, it was not possible to reduce the basic fee to 4,99 €. Your contract has at the moment a basic fee of 9,99 €. 

But maybe, you still have the chance to clarify that with the shop directly. 

Did you already receive the sim-card for your contract? If you need help to activate the card, just let me know. 

As I told you 4 days before, the porting of your Lyca-number to o2 postpaid was rejected. Just have another try. Please make sure that you release your Lyca-number before the porting and that you have at least 6,82 € on your card for the porting-fee. 

I regret that I could not help you in all matters, but I hope that you are happy about the deactivation of the pack, the delivery of the sim-card and the suggestions concerning the porting to o2. 


Loving greetings,


Hi Tobias,

Thank you for all your help. No, I have still not received the sim card. I was at the shop yesterday, but the person with whom I signed the contract was absent, so I made an appointment for today. 

I requested for the whole contract to be canceled because the situation was too stressful. 😔  Was this not granted in the letter?  If so, why? 

I contacted one of your agents via the video empathy portal yesterday, and he mentioned the letter, but without any further details of its contents. I have everything in place for the number porting to work. However, your colleague and I think too much time has passed, and with the mistakes in my information made by the shop, It would have to be done again.  

It will be helpful to know whether or not the cancellation request was granted before my appointment this morning. Thank you.

Kind regards,




Hi @Marie_Ross

thanks for your request. It is nice that you already made an appointment with the shop. 

Here is the translation of the German letter that you will receive in the next days: 

“Hello Mrs. O.A.,

Thank you for contacting us with your request.

I regret that our o2 shop in Bayreuth did not leave you with a positive impression. 

I can of course understand your disappointment and I apologize for that.

I have examined the facts you have described in detail. According to your customer record the contract was completed on September 28, 2021. I am enclosing the signed contract documents with this letter.

I cannot understand and evaluate verbal statements, agreements and arrangements, because I

was not present at the consultation. So I can only rely on the information which is available in writing with the signed customer order.

With your signature on the customer order, you have the written conditions and the correctness of the information provided is confirmed. In this case I can only assume that the content of the contract was understandable and comprehensible for you and you accepted the conditions.

According to the documents, the conclusion was carried out correctly. 

For this reason, I cannot accept discounts. A change can only be made by us, if the dealer confirms the non-tariff commitments and price agreements in writing with stamp and signature on the contract documents next to the change, noted and confirmed.

For the reasons mentioned, I cannot cancel or prematurely terminate your mobile phone number.

Mrs O.A., I am sorry that I cannot give you a positive answer.” (mobile phone number and name deleted)

So, as you see a cancellation was not approved. Of course, you can cancel your contract to the end of the 24-month-duration with a cancellation-period of 3 months in advance. .

For the sim-card, let us still wait 1-2 days. If the sim-card does not arrive at your contact-address, just come back here to our English Community.

Did you get any result from the appointment with the shop?


Loving greetings,


Dear Tobias,

The appointment was changed to phone appointment. I spoke with the agent concerned and she acknowledged everything I have said so far to you, including all the mistakes in my information, double billing, and the initial offer. So, I have requested my number once more to be ported. Once that is confirmed, I will request a written and signed statement of everything including the agreed offer of €4,99.


I hope there will be no more problems moving forward, but I will inform you of any new developments. Thank you.





Hi Tobias, 


The SIM card has arrived today. The shop has also given me a new SIM card today. However, they could not check to make sure I do not have double “temporary” numbers, because they said their system is down again. Could you check that there is only one number attached to my account? Thank you. 


In your translation of the  letter, o2 states that I need a written, confirmed, and stamped document from the shop agent to confirm the initial offer I received.

So, I went by the shop and received a piece of paper that shows this initial offer. How can I send this to you privately not over the open forum?  The shop agent says she doesn’t know how this can be attached to the contract because it should already be in the system, of course now pending on the new porting request.  




Hi @Marie_Ross

oh, that looks like a good solution for you. 

Nice that the sim-card already arrived. If you see any charge for a sim-card on the next invoice, just let me know. You will then get a credit. 

Please send the confirmation of the shop to the following address: 

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

or by fax to 01805 571 766. 

Please indicate your mobile phone number or your customer-number on the letter. 

Just let me know when you have sent the letter to us. I will then attach the letter to the ticket of the shop-department. 

I hope that everything will work out for you. 


Loving greetings,


Thank you very much I will do this.




Hi Tobias,


I am using the replacement SIM card from the shop but the network does not say o2 but “Wilkommen”. I cannot check bundle status or any of the o2 short codes. What should I do. It’s the same if I use the sim in an iPhone or an android phone. 


Hi @Marie_Ross

thanks for coming back to us here. 

I just see that the porting of your number is in progress. 

Please wait until the porting has been completely done. Afterwards, just come back here, and I will activate the sim-card for you. 

Thanks a lot. 


Loving greetings,


Hi Tobias,

That’s great. Ok then.



Hi @Marie_Ross

I have good news for you. 

The porting of your number will take place on 19th November. 

So, on the 20th November I can activate your sim-card. 

Thanks for your patience. 


Loving greetings,


Hi Tobias,

That’s great. Thank you for being so helpful. 



Hi Tobias,

I’ve received an email and a message that the number porting was successful. Do I need any further activation? 

Now we have to proceed with restoring the contract to the 4,99 offer I was promised.

Could you check the status of the contract now that the number transfer has gone through? I’ll visit the shop in the afternoon to ask about this. Thanks for all your help.





Hallo @Marie_Ross

congratulations, the porting of your old number was successful. 

Now, we can continue with exchanging the sim-card. 

Therefore, I will write you a private message via @o2_Support. Just reply there to my request. 


Loving greetings,


Hi Tobias, 


quick update. I don’t think I need to do any sim exchange. I was at the shop yesterday and they said I didn’t need to do anything. I’m sending a screen shot to of the email and message I received from o2 to your private message.  They said I only had to restart my phone. 


Hi @Marie_Ross

oh, I see. So, you can use your current sim-card. 

That´s nice. 

I hope, everything is fine now for you. 


Loving greetings,


Deine Antwort