I received an email on this code 60xxx, asking me to deduct 15€, if you can let me know why It was deducated?
Edit:Masked personal data and moved from Testgeräte, 01.04., 14.28 Uhr, o2_Micha
I received an email on this code 60xxx, asking me to deduct 15€, if you can let me know why It was deducated?
Edit:Masked personal data and moved from Testgeräte, 01.04., 14.28 Uhr, o2_Micha
thanks for writting here in our community and sharing your request regardind your bill.
Do you have access to your Mein o2 Area on our webpage or in the Mein o2 App?
We have written an faq for question around your Mein o2 Area in english. Please have a look.
kindly regards
I subscribed to a SIM card, but then we canceled the order, the operator told me that there would be no problem, why did they take the money?
best regards
I did not activate the card and why did they take the money?
Edit: Removed the pic, 01.04.2023, 15.04 Uhr, o2_Micha
first sorry, but i had to remove your picture because it included a lot of personal data with could lead to further difficulties when published in an world wide open community
A sim card witch is not activated manually will be activated after 21 days automatically. You can cancel the contract within the first14 days if you concluded it online. This is usually done in writing form.
Where have you ordered the card from?
best regards
I ordered it online
when i call in hotline, i tell that i want to cancelled it, they tell me that they cancelled the order… after 10 days i get this sim card, i call in hotline and they tell me this not problem, sim card is cancelled and i didin’t need to returned card or doing something… after 1 month they take money from my card...
kindly regards
Can you now tell me, this sim card activated or not? and why they cut money from my card?
we call and cancelled order the next day, after i order it
i have written a private message in order to receive some necassary data from you.
kindly regards
Thank you very much for the communication here and by private message.
I have looked at your order and can confirm that the contract should not be concluded in this form.
Therefore, I have done the following for you. The contract will be terminated on Monday 3.4.
The already paid 15€ will be refunded to you. This will take about 14 days until you have it back in your account. I have commissioned the payment for you.
Plus, so that no further costs arise, I have reduced the basic fee to zero euros with the start of the current billing cycle.
I hope I was able to help you with this. If there is anything else, please feel free to contact us. You are always welcome.
Best regards
I will wait, thank You
Keep us informed when everything is fine or if it needs more time then expected.
best regards
Everything is okey, i got the money back, thank you.
Then have a great easter time.
best regards
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