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Warum O2


I have contracted my O2 Homespot 2 weeks ago and It came like 2 days after. The problem is that i followed all the instructions to activate the Sim card, but isn't working. I did many items, and it's saying every time "already activated" I put It inside my Homespot , going to but the Sim card doesn't appear. I tried to ask for help in stores, whatsapp, calling but nothing helps me.


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our English Community

Hi @javicd . It seems like the sim number on your card doesn’t match the card number associated with your contract. Did you order by phone or online?

I had the same issue, and what’s most puzzling is that even if you get the card activated via the hotline, they activate the wrong number, and it still won’t work.

Regards, Meerkatze

Hi @javicd . It seems like the sim number on your card doesn’t match the card number associated with your contract. Did you order by phone or online?

I had the same issue, and what’s most puzzling is that even if you get the card activated via the hotline, they activate the wrong number, and it still won’t work.

Regards, Meerkatze


Hi @Meerkatze, thank you for your answer.

I have ordered my Homespot online, and it makes sense what you are saying, so, If is that the problem, that the sim card doesn't match with my contract, what should i do? I'm really lost since a lot of days 😞 .

@javicd Call the tech hotline or ask to get connected to someone in the tech department. They are familiar with the “phenomenon”. Those things happen either if your original order was cancelled due to some mistake and a new order was created (in that case you also receive two routers and the sim that comes with the first router will never work, although you receive an eMail confirming the activation of your contract) or someone simply put a wrong card in the box. Or maybe there’s a completely different issue with your card, which you will find out. Let us know.


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This service is available monday till friday from 10am - 6pm.

*Charges according to your rates for calls to German landline.

Hi @javicd ,


have you managed to contact the correct department and clarify the origin / activation status of the SIM? @o2_Sven also answered you here in german:

Which language do you prefer?


Best regards,

Hi @javicd ,Which language do you prefer?

Vom Satzbau her Spanisch.

Hola Javier, mira 3Sat al Lunes 02.08. a las22:25!

Buena Vista Social Club.

Di me por favor, si me he confundido.



Hola Javier, mira 3Sat al Lunes 02.08. a las22:25!

Buena Vista Social Club.

Di me por favor, si me he confundido.




Duck dich, sonst gibt es vielleicht noch eine auf die Fresse:


Hi @JoachimK. ,


Kontext ist alles:

Hi @javicd ,


have you managed to contact the correct department and clarify the origin / activation status of the SIM? @o2_Sven also answered you here in german:

Which language do you prefer?

Die Frage zielt doch (hoffentlich) klar darauf ab zu erfahren, in welcher der beiden Sprachen der Threadersteller lieber schreiben möchte.


Aufgrund des Namens auf die gesprochene Sprache oder Herkunft zu schließen finde ich persönlich recht frech und sehe ich eher kritisch. Es trägt nichts zu der Frage des Threaderstellers bei aber unterstellt eine Menge, ein ähnliches Beispiel sah ich heute schon in einem Thread bezüglich des HomeSpots.


Bitte verstehe mich nicht falsch, ich will dir nichts böses unterstellen. Allein aufgrund des Nutzernames zu agieren und Dinge vorauszusetzen ohne sonstigen Kontakt zu diesen Menschen zu haben, kann aber auf der anderen Seite eher falsch aufgenommen werden. Bitte achte in Zukunft ein wenig darauf, dass es ein wenig mehr themenbezogenen Inhalt gibt.


Viele Grüße,


Hallo Kurt,

gelesen und verstanden!



Und nein, ich bin nicht angefressen! Da gab es andere Dinge ausserhalb des Forums, die mich aufgewühlt hatten! ;)

Hi @javicd ,


have you managed to contact the correct department and clarify the origin / activation status of the SIM? @o2_Sven also answered you here in german:

Which language do you prefer?


Best regards,


Hi @o2_Kurt , 


first, sorry for not answering all this time, I was trying to figure it out on my own, and i prefer to speak in English instead of German.

I tried calling and fixing it but nothing worked so I decided to return it and terminate the contract. As I needed internet, I personally went to the store to make a new contract. Of course when I got home, activated the card, and tested if it worked, everything was perfect. What problem do I have now? I can deduce that the problem was the sim card that came to me the first time, it was not the correct one, and despite not working and having returned it, they charged me 230 euros yesterday for the first month. Is seriously? and they also want to charge me for the month of August, this is already surreal. Even though they made a mistake with the order. And of course i can't have the app ir enter on the website 




Edit: Customer-ID deleted - o2_Kurt

Hi @javicd ,


you forum account is not connected to a contract.

Could you try logging in into “Mein o2” with the number instead of the mailadress?

Try using a new browser,this way no saved login data will be used.


Please let us know if you can get access to your bill. Seeing the bill yourself may also clarify a few things.


You’ve written the following regarding the contract:

I tried calling and fixing it but nothing worked so I decided to return it and terminate the contract.

Your first post is from the 4th of Juli, meaning: The withdrawal-period would have been over already when we first got in touch.

Did you cancel the contract, instead?


Best regards,


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