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I want to keep my phone number from O2 to Vodafone. However, Vodafone said that the phone number needs to be “opt-in” from O2. 

I was trying to call O2 hotline hundred times but no one could speak English and also visited O2 shops, no one could help me on this topic. 

Can anyone speaking English help me in this case? 

Edit o2_Larissa 06.08.2022/15:57: moved from o2 Prepaid to English o2 Community: Mobile

Hi @Quang Hieu La ,


we’ve collected a lot of information about the number transfer here:

Call number transfer o2 Prepaid | O₂ Community (

Here is the Part about the Opt-In:

  1. Download the Mein o2 app and log in or register.
  2. Choose: Tarif & Optionen -> Rufnummernmitnahme –> Rufnummer jetzt freigeben. On the next page, you will see the data that must be entered for the new provider**. The approval is confirmed by SMS and is valid for 30 days.

Please let us know if setting the Opt-In did work for your. If not, we’ll gladly take a look 😊

Viele Grüße,

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