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Warum O2


Continuing the saga I have dubbed “getting to take my money” I am now having issues activating a sim card for a contract I got “O₂ Mobilfunkvertrag O2 Free Unlimited Max Flex”.


Whenever I try to activate the sim-card, I get an error message saying the following:

Fehler bei der Aktivierung
Die Aktivierung konnte leider nicht durchgeführt werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut oder wenden Sie sich an die Hotline.

Erneut versuchen

The response in the request send (API Call) is: {"code":"ACTIVATION_ERROR"}

Calling the hotline is not possible for me, because I don’t have a german number.

I am currently without internet (except for my dutch simcard) because my prepaid card I had as a temporary fix for the issue, has ran out today.

I am honestly at the end of my patience, as so far getting internet (compared to for example, the Netherlands) has taken more than two months.

I just hope somebody here is able to help me.

Incase, details are as follows:
Sim-karten-nummer: 8XXXXX11

Internal number: XXXXX

With kind regards,


Edit o2_Antje: Personal Data deleted / 27.02.2023 

Edit o2_Manuela: sim number deleted. 01.03.23, 12:06 Uhr

Hello @Jarvic B. , 

welcome to our community! 🤗

I am very sorry that the activation of your sim card doesn´t seem to work. 

We will get your sim card activated, don´t worry. 

I need some data from you for the activation. You will get a private message from o2_Support shortly. 


Best regards, 

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