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Warum O2

Good evening,

For a few weeks now I have been trying to get myself an unlimited data simcard but I keep getting rejected. The contract I want to get is as follows: O2 Free Unlimited Max Für Experten (

A few hours after ordering the simcard I get an email saying that my order cannot be fulfilled, and that if I want to know the reason as to why, I need to send a letter. The email content is as follows:

Guten Tag,
vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse am Mobilfunkangebot von o2.
Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir Ihrer Bestellung nicht entsprechen können.
Falls Sie zusammen mit dieser Bestellung z. B. noch ein Handy oder Tablet bestellt haben, so wird diese separat bearbeitet und geprüft. Die entsprechenden Infos hierzu erhalten Sie gesondert per E-Mail.
Wenn Sie den Grund für die Ablehnung erfahren möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte schriftlich an:
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, Auskunftsstelle, 90345 Nürnberg
Geben Sie dabei in jedem Fall Ihre vollständigen Adressdaten (inkl. Vor- und Nachname) sowie Ihr Geburtsdatum an.
Da das Thema Datenschutz bei o2 einen hohen Stellenwert einnimmt, ist uns der sorgfältige Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten sehr wichtig. Haben Sie deswegen bitte Verständnis, dass wir Fragen zu Ihrer Ablehnung nur schriftlich beantworten können.

I already sent a letter, but have not heard back yet. I also went to the O2 store in Kleve, but they could not help me out any further.

I want the unlimited simcard on a monthly basis to use at home, as cabled internet is not sufficient at my location and fiber-internet has not been pulled into the house. Other providers (such as Vodafone and Telekom) don't have their antenna's close to my apartment.

I already got a testcard from O2 (which has run out) and currently have a temporary prepaid simcard (999GB) but this is no permanent solution.

Anybody has any clue as to what the reason could be for denial of my subscription? My last attempt has been with a German bank account (which I now have).

With kind regards,


Edit o2_Bianca: Moved from Vertrag&Tarife to English o2 Community mobile.

I realized I posted this in the wrong section, it was supposed to go here: If somebody could move this, that would be great. Thanks!

Nobody here will be able to help you with this as the refusal is due to creditworthiness checks. Enquiries about this can only be dealt with in writing.

Nobody here will be able to help you with this as the refusal is due to creditworthiness checks. Enquiries about this can only be dealt with in writing.

Oke, thanks for telling me! I got myself a Schufa rating from, and according to the document my credit rating should be positive (Zum 01.02.2023 liegen uns ausschließlich positive
Vertragsinformationen vor.).

Lets hope they get back to me soon!


Either way, thanks for the response and have a good evening!

Hi @Jarvic B. ,

Thank you for telling us about your concerns regarding the unsuccessful conclusion of the contract. 

bs0 had already written to you. Thank you very much for that, but a brief comment on this. 

Of course we would like to help you, but we do not have the reasons for refusal. In fact, these can only be requested in writing.

When did you submit your written request? 
Did you include your full first and last name, address and date of birth in the letter? 
These informations are urgently needed. 

Kind regards 

Hi @Jarvic B. ,

Thank you for telling us about your concerns regarding the unsuccessful conclusion of the contract. 

bs0 had already written to you. Thank you very much for that, but a brief comment on this. 

Of course we would like to help you, but we do not have the reasons for refusal. In fact, these can only be requested in writing.

When did you submit your written request? 
Did you include your full first and last name, address and date of birth in the letter? 
These informations are urgently needed. 

Kind regards 

Hey @o2_Micha,

I understand that due to privacy laws in Germany you can’t help me get an answer. No blame on your part, its just something I hope gets resolved soon as moving to Germany has not been as smooth as I hoped it to be 😬.

I sent the letter on 23th of January, but it turns out the letter way delayed by 5 days and it was only delivered on the 31th of January at 12:13 according to the track & trace. So it will probably (hopefully) be next week I get a response.

I included my details, like full name, birthday, address, email & personal phone number.

After some thinking, I came to the realization that it might also be because I share a house number with 3 other apartments in the building I live in (same house number, different mailboxes with out names). My schufa score should be fine, and I now have a German bank account through N26 with a German IBAN. I know that at least 2 neighbors also have o2 subscriptions.

@o2_Micha, do you have any clue if there is a possibility to get the reason other then a response letter? Is it possible to somehow call o2 and verify my identity or visit a store and get the exact reason, or at least verify if they have received my letter correctly?

Either way, thanks for your response and have a good weekend!

With kind regards,


@Jarvic B. 
thank you for your feedback.
Unfortunately, we only offer this information by post. The reasons for rejection are exclusively available to the specialist department and the post office is the only channel for the customer to reach the colleagues directly. 


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