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Warum O2


I just get new contact after 2 year of my old contract finish.

I just get new phone and unlimited data package.

Here today I just get SMS , it says my 30€ discount deactivated. 


From Number: +491760001050


Lieber o2 Kunde, für die Rufnummer 49176xxxxxxxxxxx wurde der Rabatt 30 EUR Kombi-Vorteil deaktiviert. Ihr o2 Team.


Can you help me why this is happening? 


I don’t want to call , hotline due to my German is not good, can you help me with that. 


I am not sure, this is happened, and if I have to pay that 30€ more, I would definitely close my o2 line at this point.





Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben in unsere Englisch Community

You made a new contract based on the old one. 
for this combination you got the „Kombivorteil“.

Now the first Contract is gone also the Rabatt. 




My english isn't perfect... 🙈



That's correct..  


"I just get new contact after 2 year of my old contract finish." 


The "Kombivorteil" 50% is a discount for a 2nd contract (=Partnerkarte).  When the 1st contract is finished and deactivated the "Kombivorteil" ends too. 



Thanks for explain to me, ok I feel like scammed , probably due to language barrier maybe I missed that point., it can be my fault too, anyway, thank you both for the explanation. 

Anyway, I am still in first 14 days, I would probably just return phone and cancel this contract. That is terrible. 

If o2 give me some discount still may keep it the contract.



Please cancle the Contract and Phone with an e-mail to and send the Phone back


That's the best way .. 

Hello @refikcaner, welcome at our community. I am sorry that there maybe was a misconception

And I am sorry that I cant give you an oterh answer.

Kind regards, Ines.


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