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My friend recently transferred the his 3 sim contract to my name in that he had 3 sim card in one contract but after transfer I see only 2 sim card available in my contract. Plus each sim contract change fee is charged which is not correct. 

Kindly look into it and please contact me as soon as you can.


Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben in unsere Englisch Community

Hi @Shruti,


welcome to our community. :blush:


Sorry for the delayed reply. Did you get a confirmationen e-mail regarding your tariff? Are there the sim-card fees displayed?

Did he maybe deactivate one of the cards?


In our app are only the so-called “multicards” (1 main card + 2 multicards) displayed.


Best regards,



Thank you for your response. I was waiting for it.

I have my email confirmed. And I have new transaction from O2 with 2 contractor numbers and in all costing me 205€ it's a lot. When my frnd created a contract it was just 80€ and while transfer it's costing me 205€.

Kindly look into it. Let me know if I can send you details through email. Bcoz customer service is not in english and it's not possible to contact them. 

Please check and provide me a solution. 

Thank you.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Hi @Shruti


I regret that the change of the contract-owner was not as you expected. 


Unfortunately, you lost with the change the 50%-combination-benefit for both of your contracts. This means that your basic fee for all three contracts is now 37,50 € higher since 28th January.

Additionally, only 2 contracts were transferred to the right customer-number. One of your contracts received a seperate customer-number. 


Of course, as this is not your fault, I will correct that for you. You will receive a credit of what you paid too much since 28th January 2021. You will see the credit on your next invoice.

And I will combine all 3 contracts under the same customer-number free of charge. This will happen until tomorrow.

And you will receive both of your 50%-combination-benefits back again. 


I regret that something went wrong here, and I hope you agree to this solution. 


Loving greetings,




Hello @o2_Tobias ,

I am thank you for your consideration and response. I completely agree with your solution. 

I look forward to get all the 3 sim cards in one contract and get bills with less charges. 

Just a little clarification, so now the contract price will stay as it was before contract transfer, right? 

It was really a hard understanding why it happened and no calls where understandable or reachable and due to corona no shops were open. 

I once again thank you and the complete team for helping me and considering the problem. It's really an appreciative gesture from your side.💯🤩☺️ 

I wish you a happy and healthy time.

Thank you


ShrutiShailesh Lohade

Hello @o2_Tobias ,

Today I recived email about 2 sim cards offer got changed  and when I login with my email id in my O2 app I only see 1 sim card under my name. And that one sim card which is been shown in my O2 app has no email updates from your side for offer or contract change. 

Just wanted to know if you are still working on getting all 3 sim cards in one contract? And how can I access them. Bcoz for now I don't see other 2 sim cards. 

Please help me with this. How can I see all my sim cards contract in my app? 

Thank you.



Hi @Shruti


nice that you responded again. 


Don´t worry, everything goes fine. 


Your three contracts are now all under one customer-account. 

If you do not see them yet, please register at “Mein o2” with your mobile phone number. Please use this link: register at "Mein o2" with your mobile phone number 


Your tariff “o2 Free L Boost” already possesses now the 50%-combination-benefit. Your tariff “o2 Free M” will have the 50%-combination-benefit tomorrow. 


So, from tomorrow onward, you will have the 3 contracts as they should be from the beginning. 


If you have any further questions, just feel free to contact me. 


Loving greetings,


Thank you very much for your quick response and consideration.

I'll try registering again.

Have a great day! 


Shruti Shailesh Lohade

Hello @o2_Tobias ,

Hope you are doing well.

I got my 3 sim 1 contract successfully. But I want some clarification on my monthly bill.

I'll be grateful if you would help me. 

So now my monthly charge will be 60€?


Thank you for your time, consideration and guidance.



Hi @Shruti


yes, your monthly basic fee for all 3 contracts is 57,47 € now. 


You will see this on your next invoices. Please wait until you see all 3 contracts on one invoice. 


Loving greetings,


Good morning @o2_Tobias ,

Firstly thank you for your quick response.

I have been charged 62.83 and from that 25.33 is open amount. Can you please look into it. 

Thank you again.

Wish you a great day!


Shruti Lohade

Hi @Shruti


thanks for coming back to me. 


You are right. In the current invoice the 50%-Combination-discount is included from 18th March 2021 onward. 


Therefore, you still get a little discount here. You will see the credit in your next invoice. 


Thanks a lot for your patience. 


Loving greetings,




Thank you @o2_Tobias .


Have a good day



Hello @o2_Tobias ,

There is again a problem with billing cycle,

Today I see that on 12 April 25.33 euro were debited from my account and on 14 April again 19.28 is debited. Can you please let me know why were there 2 deductions with same reference? 

In all 44.61 euro were debited! 

Please help me with this.

Thank you for your time and consideration


Shruti Lohade

Hi @Shruti 

The two  deductions are related to the account merge which was made to guarantee you the benefit called “Kombivorteil”

The  one deduction belongs to your old account, which is now closed. The second deduction belongs to your new account.

From next month on there will be only one deduction from your bank account. 

Best Regards Matze  

Hello @o2_Matze ,

Thank you for your time and consideration.

It was told in previous message that contract merge won't be charged, Below is the part kf the msg were it  was written 

" Of course, as this is not your fault, I will correct that for you. You will receive a credit of what you paid too much since 28th January 2021. You will see the credit on your next invoice.


And I will combine all 3 contracts under the same customer-number free of charge. This will happen until tomorrow.


And you will receive both of your 50%-combination-benefits back again.  "

Can you please check if those payment will be given back or it was supposed to be charged!?

Thank you

Look forward to having only 57.47€ invoice per month. 

Have a great day




Hi @Shruti


thanks for your message. 


I checked everything for you: for the period 28th January until 27th February 2021 you received already a credit because of the missing 50% combination-benefit. 


Of course, you will receive also a credit of 50% of your basic fee for the duration 28th February until 17th March 2021. The credit will be payed out directly to your personal bank-account. This can take up to 2 weeks. 


I hope everything is fine now. 


Loving greetings,


Hello @o2_Tobias ,

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Ok, so I'll wait till I get my extra paid charges credited back. And will let you know when I recive them.


Have a good day and wish you good health.



Hello @o2_Tobias , @o2_Matze , @o2_Michi 

Hope you are doing well!

I have again faced the problem with my bill, last bill for July is being charged more That is 86.89€ 

Can you please look into and check why this cost me 30€ more than my usual bill.

Thank you very much for your time and help.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Hello @Shruti,

unfortunately, we can't look at your data ourselves right now. Therefore, a quick question: do you have an item in your current invoice that does not appear in the previous invoices? Otherwise, you can also post an image of your current invoice here. But please note: if you want to do this, please make sure that your personal data (name, phone number, account number) are made unrecognisable except for the last 3 digits (of the numbers). Alternatively, we can offer you to move the conversation to private messages. Please let us know.

Kind regards
Jessica :sunflower:


Hello @o2_Jessica , @o2_Matze , @o2_Tobias , @o2_Michi 

Thank you for your response.

I have attached above my this month invoice. And last sum amount looks wrong.

Please check for ur reference I'll add last months bill as well. Kindly have a look on both.

Thank you again for your time and support.


Hello again @o2_Jessica Kindly look at the netto amount that different in both the bills. And other amounts are same. Please check and let me know if you need any more information thank you.

Ihr Tarif mit O2 Connect
Vertragslaufzeit: 22.08.2020 - 21.08.2022
Kündigungsfrist: 3 Monat(e) zum 21.08.2022
Netto in €
Brutto in €
Mobilfunknummer 5947/Festnetznummer 349
O2 Free L Boost
Vergünstigungen / Guthaben
Kombi-Vorteil für O2 Kunden
Mobilfunknummer 945/Festnetznummer 1352
Vertragslaufzeit: 22.08.2020 - 21.08.2022
Kündigungsfrist: 3 Monat(e) zum 21.08.2022
Netto in €
Brutto in €
O2 Free M
Vergünstigungen / Guthaben
10 EUR Junge Leute Rabatt
Mobilfunknumme7563/Festnetznummer 353
Vertragslaufzeit: 22.08.2020 - 21.08.2022
Kündigungsfrist: 3 Monat(e) zum 21.08.2022
Netto in €
Brutto in €
O2 Free M
Verbindungen & Services
SMS / MMS Services
Vergünstigungen / Guthaben
Kombi-Vorteil für O2 Kunden
Beträge aus dem Vormonat
(Zahlungseingänge bis zum 29.06.2021 sind berücksichtigt)
Brutto in €
Gesamtbetrag aus vorheriger Rechnung
Zahlung Lastschrift - 10.06.2021


Zusammenstellung nach MwSt.-Sätzen



in €


in €


in €









Durch Rundungsdifferenzen kann die Summe der einzelnen Beträge vom Gesamtbetrag abweichen.


Sorry for copy pasting. But was not able to add the picture. Website was getting stucked.

But the difference you see is in last 

Net vat and gross amount

Finally was able to upload the picture this is original amount that I always pay. Please refer both images and let me know why it's been charged more

Deine Antwort