Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a customer of O2 since 2018. I currently have a cell phone contract “O2 Free S Boost” that I started in 2018. This one costs me 24,99€ per month for 3Gb of data. These days, the contract “O2 free S” is costing 19,99€ for 3Gb of data ( So 5€ less expensive. Obviously, I want to change my contract, keeping my current phone number. However, if I go to my online account and click on "Vertragsverlängerung", only more expensive rates are offered.
Also, if I call the O2 hotline, they tell me that it is not possible to have a cheaper tarif with my current contract. To get what I need to do (cheaper tarif+ keep the same phone number), the hotline told me I need to do an EXTREMELY COMPLICATED PROCEDURE :
- Send a PAPER letter in GERMAN to O2 saying that I want to end my contract, three months before the end of my contract
- a few days before the end of my old contract, buy a prepaid card
- A few days before the end of my old contract, fill out a form indicating that I want to release my phone number before the end of my old contract.
- A few days after filling out the form in step 3, I need to contact O2 to tell them that I now want my old phone number linked to the prepaid card.
- Call O2 to convert the prepaid card to a 2 year contract, with a cheaper price.
Is it correct? If not, can you please provide a clear procedure for changing a contract to a cheaper contract, keeping a phone number when you are already an O2 customer. By clear procedure I mean:
- links to the different forms that I have to fill out
- deadlines that I must respect for the different steps, to have the least possible overlap between all the contracts / prepaid card that I will have to open / close / buy.
I find it extremely annoying that such a simple request ends up being so complicated. I feel like coming to O2 from another provider, or leaving O2 to another provider is a lot easier to keep a phone number than it is to just stay with O2. Customer loyalty is not rewarded at all!
Related to my complaint, I would like to obtain the link to be able to evaluate O2. It might just be a wasted effort, but I still want to provide feedback directly to O2, so that my request can be resolved more easily in the future.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards
Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben in unsere Englisch Community