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Warum O2

Hi, I'm Alicia Gómez Cuevas and my internet is not working. Today they came to install it but it won't. Just when I was going to call they sent me a message saying that they will come tomorrow between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 

I don't understand why they sent it to me if they still couldn't know that the internet was not going. Because as far as I know they can install it in one day, it seems very strange to me that they need two.

But the thing is, I need to know the exact time (not “between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.”)  because my boyfriend (who is the one who lives in germany) and he can't be home all day without going to work. Is there an email to contact them?

I don't know why but it gave me the feeling that the internet was not going to go today and I was not wrong. I am afraid that the internet will always go bad and that I will have to go to another company…

Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Broadband / DSL


Hi @Alicia707 ,
Welcome to our community.
Sorry for the late feedback. If the technician was on site, you will need to perform a power reset on the router and then reset the router if necessary. Were our colleagues at the hotline able to help you and are you online in the meantime?
Thanks to @bs0 for your support :hibiscus:
Kind regards

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