Hi @raketa
welcome to our community.
What kind of order was cancelled? Just a mobile contract or a hardware device?
order’s number is xxx
edit o2_Manga: pers. Daten enfernt
the SIM card including the contract got back to us because the address was wrong or no name printed on your letterbox.
You can go and order the mobile contract once again. There are no obstacles in your way.
I could not order the same mobile contract because the discount doesn’t work second time. Could you please send me the same order to new address?
which kind of discount did you use?
Unfortunately we have no chance to rearrange the shipping of a contract with 50% Priority offer.
I have a Für Freunde und Familie Tarife mit 50 % Rabatt with Individueller Gutscheincode but it wasn’t delivered. How could I save my 50% discount?
Okay, @raketa
I will ask my colleagues if they can resend the SIM card.
Please send a private message to o2_Support
We need your name, your date of birth and the shipping address.
Get back to us here in this threat when you have written the message.
Thank you, @raketa
I just replied there.
I have an order here and it still hasn't been delivered. Could you please let me know the status and when it will be delivered? Then today I suddenly received an email that my order has been canceled! And I also received email with sepa link wich doesn't active
Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Mobile
CINAcoN1XXX this is a number
Edit o2_Larissa: personal data removed. Please note that our community is a public forum
Please send a letter to
Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co OHG
90345 Nürnberg
Fax 01805 571766
Hello @raketa,
thnk you for your request in our community!
About your concern: what exactly did you order?
A new contract and a device? Or what exactly is it?
What was sent to you in the confirmation email?
Please note: this is a public customer forum. Please do not post any private/personal data here in your answer.
Kind regards
Hello! I ordered a sim card ad contract in early October. But then it was not delivered. Then I changed the order, but it still hasn't been delivered and what's more, it was cancelled for no reason. I can't place a new order because my 50% off voucher doesn't work. Please, how can I get the sim card and contract?
Hi @raketa,
I moved everything to here in order to have a better overview.
I just checked everything for you.
Your first order was at the beginning of October. But as @o2_Manga already told you, the delivery-address was wrong. So, the sim-card came back to us and was cancelled.
The second order was made according to your wish at the beginning of November. The delivery-address of the sim-card is the same that you mentioned under @o2_Support. But also this order returned to us again and was cancelled one more time.
Can it be that your name was not mentioned on your letter box and on your bell?
Loving greetings,
Thanks, yes, I am absolutely sure that my name is on the mailbox and on the doorbell. Could I go to your office and catch up my contract and sim card offline??
Hi @raketa,
I am not quite sure if the shop can offer you the 50% priority-discount.
But please, try to do that before we order another contract that will not arrive at your place.
If you have any questions, just let me know.
Loving greetings,
Hi, shop doesn’t support 50% discount. Could you please send me contract, my address is // Please don’t post personal information in a public forum//
Edit: Adress deleted - o2_Kurt
Hey @raketa
I reopened the channel for Private Conversation. Please check your PN. I just answered you there.
Hi! I received sim card , thank you, but I could not activate her because incorrect birthdate. What should I do?
Hi @raketa
send you a PM again. Please check