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Warum O2

I want to cancel my Postpaid contract as a precautionary measure, since i no longer need postpaid connection. i want to know where can i find my contract? or where i get 4 digit personal identifiaction number since i dont remember old one.

I have already applied for termination and it would be of great help, if i get early answers. 


Edit o2_Larissa: transfer to English o2 Community: Mobile

Cancel the contract via post or fax. There you didn’t need your 4 digit number, your customer number is sufficient.


as bonus, you have proof!

It would be easy for me to do in online than post or fax

Online is not possible. You could mark it, but than you have to call a German hotline and a lot of that calls get unrecognised and than you stay a year longer with your contract and have to pay for it.


Hi @ashik ,


is the adress in “mein o2” still correct?

If it is, we´ll gladly send you the code via letter.


Viele Grüße,

Yes it’s correct,

just need to add


c/o xxx


Edit by o2_Andrea: Namen entfernt - Datenschutz

Dear @ashik ,


we can not change the adress-suffix for you. You can change your contact address yourself under My o2. Alternatively, you can add your name to your mailbox. :wink:

I would join @Denner and also advise you to cancel your contract by mail or fax:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

Fax: 01805 571 766 (0,14 EUR/Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz, Mobilfunk max. 0,42 EUR/Min.)


Kind regards,


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