Warum O2

where can i request 4 digit personal identification number for contract termination?

  • 12 November 2020
  • 6 Antworten
  • 229 Aufrufe

I want to cancel my Postpaid contract as a precautionary measure, since i no longer need postpaid connection. i want to know where can i find my contract? or where i get 4 digit personal identifiaction number since i dont remember old one.

I have already applied for termination and it would be of great help, if i get early answers. 


Edit o2_Larissa: transfer to English o2 Community: Mobile


Lösung von o2_Andrea 20 November 2020, 20:46

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6 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +4

Cancel the contract via post or fax. There you didn’t need your 4 digit number, your customer number is sufficient.


as bonus, you have proof!

It would be easy for me to do in online than post or fax

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +4

Online is not possible. You could mark it, but than you have to call a German hotline and a lot of that calls get unrecognised and than you stay a year longer with your contract and have to pay for it.


Hi @ashik ,


is the adress in “mein o2” still correct?

If it is, we´ll gladly send you the code via letter.


Viele Grüße,

Yes it’s correct,

just need to add


c/o xxx


Edit by o2_Andrea: Namen entfernt - Datenschutz

Benutzerebene 7

Dear @ashik ,


we can not change the adress-suffix for you. You can change your contact address yourself under My o2. Alternatively, you can add your name to your mailbox. :wink:

I would join @Denner and also advise you to cancel your contract by mail or fax:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

Fax: 01805 571 766 (0,14 EUR/Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz, Mobilfunk max. 0,42 EUR/Min.)


Kind regards,


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