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Warum O2

Great internet speed, isn’t it?

In the center of Berlin) 

Had so much problems with Internet, called like 10 times, wrote emails and still nothing. And not even able to terminate my contract earlier, they make it so complicated that sometimes I just want to give up. No apologies, no compensation, nothing! 




Edit o2_Ines 15.07./10:00. verschoben aus Testberichte zu Mobilfunknetz:Telefonie&Internet, -->weiter zu Englisch 

@939fub was this measuring inside a building or outside? Everywhere or only at a specific position.

Do you have friends also with an O2 card , experiencing the same?

Phone resetted, cache-wiped, X-exchange card and SIM? Just to exclude any hardware issues on your side.

what doet the netcheck say (i know no fun at this datarate). Has it been like this all the time or for a longer period or just suddenly? What is the information from the “O2-Netzabdeckungskarte” for that exact position?

Perhaps giving the exact location (if its not your home adress) or a good nearby adress beeing not exactly your adress (due to data security reasons), so they can look at technical failure, overload situation (what i assumme will not be), or just poor receiving in that particular position in opposite to what o2-net-coverage says.

Hello everyone,

thank you for this conversation and the help so far tomsun 😊

@939fub has your concern been resolved in the meantime?
You can find more help on the Live Check in the FAQ:

Kind regards

It should already be mentioned that it is quite possible to terminate a contract prematurely if the promised and paid service cannot be provided. By that I mean that nothing can and will change this situation in the future. 😊

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