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Hi, I just confirmed a mobile contract under my name and a SIM card should be sent soon. I would need to change just the contact name of the delivery, as it is not me who needs to accept the delivery. How can I do this fast?



edit o2_Slveig 26.06.2023, 19:26 Uhr verschoben von o2 SIM-Karte → Englisch o2 Community : Mobile 

You can't. The SIM can only be sent to the customer whose name is on the contract. Is your name not on the letterbox?

Hi, no it’s not, there is someone else’s name on the letterbox. The address is correct, only the name is wrong. What shall I do? 


Maybe ask the person the letterbox belongs to to temporarily add a sticker with your name on it?

Hello @Lalli, welcome at our community.

Now it's been a few days. Has the SIM card arrived to you yet?😊

Kind regards, Ines.

Hi, not yet. Is there a way to get the tracking number of the order? 

Hi @Lalli , i am sorry, there is no tracking number for a SIM-Card.

Pleas let us know if it isn't with you in the next few days and we'll send it out again.

Kind regards, Ines.

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