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Warum O2

Dear All,

I have moved out of county and my number which I am using it for all internet and networking purpose is no more activated and I can’t receive any SMS.

So is their any way to deactivate it or buy it online and to be shipping it out of Germany??

I need this number ASAP any suggestions.




Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben in unsere Englisch Community

Hi @Moory,


welcome to our community. :relaxed:


Did you cancel the contract? Is it a prepaid or postpaid tariff? In case it’s a postpaid tariff it’s possible to reactivate the contract.


Best regards,



it’s prepaid card, so in this case can I buy the same number once more as long as its deactivated and still available?

Or activate the same card so I can use my SIM card to save time ….



Hello @Moory,

depending on when the SIM was deactivated it is possible to tranbsfer the phone number to eiterh a new contract or to another german provider.

Did you cancel the contract? Or was it deactivated due to no usage? Since when is it deactivated?

Since we do not offer a delivery to another country a new SIM card can only be delivered inside germany.





I don’t know when it was deactivated 2years ago i guess  and it was due non usage ….

so as I said it is prepaid can you activate the same SIM card so I can use it with no complications…




Hello @Moory,

if the deactivation of the SIM happened such a long time ago there is no possibility to reactivate it. A reactivation is only possible within 90 days after the deactivation.

Since we also do not offer to chose a desired phone number I am sorry to say it but I see no possibilty that you will get back a number that has been deactvatedfor such a long time :-/



Hi Lars,

This is not helping as I said before this number has been used since 2015 in all my internet accounts, personal and professional emails.

 I am now unable to open my emails nor use my accounts.

This is not something impossible to reactivate the same number with the same SIM card as long as I am still having the same SIM Card, its just a simple click not that much.


I need you please to highlight my case to your superiors and I believe they will help with this matter and I trust your customer services and your professionalism dealing with such kinda situations.




Hello @Moory,  I understand your trouble and I am sorry that i can´t give you an other answer.

If the deactivation of the SIM happened two years ago, as you said, it can´t be raectivated.

Kind regards, Ines.

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