My sister has been tricked and scammed by o2 people.
She is simple and kind hearted and trusts trusted people. and she chose O2 for being one of the biggest.
So she had mobile sim with them and when she got her own place she called them to get a wifi combo with a good offer.
they said ok. then they said, because the broadband may take long to arrive due to covid, why not they send few sim cards to help use wifi until then for free. she said ok.
Then they sent her 3 sim cards. under two different accounts.
one with this account. that one has unlimited usage which she didnt ask as its a sim not wifi. with 2year minimum contract.
then they sent 2 sim cards, and wifi. but she never got the wifi device.
so she paying around 70 for one account and 40 for another. what a scam.
she went to many stores many times but they never helped her and told her she has contract and must wait and keep paying. she could actually cancel 2 of the sim cards but never hid that from her as well.
as soon as i learnt that yesterday i cancelled 2 sim card.
so now i am trying to call and contact but so far many road blocks and people from chats, phone calls. shutting me down, tell contact another line or number.
but i will keep trying. this is a fraud on big scale.
Moved to Englisch Community / o2_Antje