I am Rouholla Safarvandi,phone number 01779xxxxxx
I had O2 unlimited data regular contract in Neumarkt oberpfalz, Bahnhof Straße 5, at 28.11.2022. I said that I need unlimited data regular simkart and tariff 20€ per month and simkart.it was my first O2 simkart.we are refugee and sorrily we believe in Seller.Yesterday I received an email from O2 that shows my Reshnung is about 100€ .I checked the contract and I learned that the seller gave me the simkart 40€ although it should be 20€ ,he activated music package for me without my permission . I have no job in Germany,I have 2 babies and it's so difficult for us to continue this contract fees.please help us.
Edit o2_Ines 07.01./8.30/. Rufnummer entfernt und in die English o2 Community verschoben.