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Warum O2


I want to urgently port my prepaid number from O2 to another provider. I dont have a contract, I recharge my account every 2 months. Please guide me on how to do this. Should I consider releasing the number from here first and then contact the other provider or vice versa?

And how can I release the number from the O2 website?

Thank you. I hope for positive and quick responses.


Best regards


30.06.2023 09:11 o2_Katja: moved from Mobilfunkvertrag to our english community

Hello @AbhiMarathe31 ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

After you have released your number, the new provider of yours has a month time to request the number from here. To release it you need to be registered with your number to mein o2 , then you can release it there.
While logged in to Mein o2 simply navigate to “Tarif & Optionen” > “Rufnummernmitnahme” > “Rufnummer jetzt freigeben”
After doing that your new provider can get the number from us.


Kind regards, Sven

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