Did you buy a contract from that shop in the past? The text has nothing to do with the online extension but is just (probably inadmissible unless you consented) advertising. They want you to go to the shop and extend your contract so that they get commission. As you already extended the contract, you can of course just ignore the message.
Why ask the same question twice in a few days?
Thank you for answering my question and about repeating the question twice, I did not intend that and tried to delete the question but I couldn’t
Hi @chelsea88, welcome at our community.
Its okay, we can write in this threat and just ighnore the other.
The shop would like to make you an offer an of course you don't have to go there if you don't want to. 
Did you buy something there in the past?
Kind regards, Ines.
Thanks @o2_Ines for answering
and yes i did long time ago