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Warum O2

Hello! I have bought an additional package for 4gb. But the speed is steel very low. Why? Why I can't call the hotline 24/7?

Edit o2_Larissa: moved from “Mobilfunknetz: Telefonie und Internet” to “English o2 Community: Mobile”

4GB is not more speed but more data. The speed is dependant on the infrastructure at your location.

You can't call the hotline 24/7 because it is not open 24/7.

The infrastructure is excellent at our location. At the same location I used my previous package, and the speed was very good. Now the speed is the same as it was when I had no package. The lowest speed. Why?

I have reached the hotline. It was wrong with the service, they haven't changed my speed after I bought the package. Now it is OK, they have fixed it.

Hi @AnastasiaGorSy welcome in our community.
Thanks for your request and for the information that your request is already solved.
Normally it should switched automatically but sometimes it is good  to contact the customer support. 😃
If you need any support, you´re welcome.

Thanks to bs0 for your support.

kindly regards

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