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Warum O2

Good day, I am sending you proof of invoice, proof of payment!

It happened despite the fact that it was paid in my name and from my account number entered by mistake  “Verwendungszweck    Purpose of use” number!  Instead 1169  it is written 1159.

I received a letter from  BISSEL+PARTNER to pay and it's already paid!

Everything is visible in the papers I am sending you in the attachment! Please solve it for me, because as you can see, it has been properly paid! Thank you



Edit o2_Bianca: Removed personal data from screenshots. This is a public community and everyone can see this information. Please do not post personal data.

Edit o2_Bianca: Moved from Mobilfunk Rechnung to Englisch o2 Community mobile

Never post your personal details or correspondence with third parties in a public forum! That is both negligent and dangerous and infringes the rights of the third party individuals whose names you have disclosed.

You will need to contact Bissell & Partner to resolve this.

Than you bs0 , can you please delete my post an thank you!

bs0 Please delete my post as soon as you can, thank you!

A moderator has already redacted the files you posted to remove the personal details.

Hello @Josip Murat ,

the documents have been redacted, and as bs0 has arleady said anything else you should contact Bissel & Partner for at this point in time.


Kind regards, Sven

o2_Sven, thanks! 

First of all I don't understand why I need to contact them Bisse &Partner?

Don't you see that is everything payed normally? 

That O2 regularly checked this won't happen! 


I'll sand a email to B&P on English language but no one responds!  With all papers of course! 

One more time,  I don't understand why O2 sand it to them and First off all not checked that mistake in my payment!  


Because your debt has been passed to Bissel and Partner and they are now your contact in this matter. o2 only sees that no payment has been received in your account and that is why they contacted you (department Recht & Inkasso). As the matter was clearly not resolved then, the debt was passed on to Bissel and Partner.

Once the mistake has been identified based on the documents you supply, the lawyers will notify o2 and they will be able to find the money (in the incorrect account) and hopefully clear the balance on your account.

bs0 Thank you for the explanation!


Once the mistake has been identified based on the documents you supply, the lawy<ers will notify o2 and they will be able to find the money (in the incorrect account) - and hopefully clear the balance on your account. ---- ( “Verwendungszweck    Purpose of use” number!  Instead 1169  it is written 1159.) That's the only mistake, the money was properly taken from my account!

As you said, I also believe that it will be quickly ascertained and resolved and that I am finally at peace!

I would like to ask you something, when you get the feedback, can you contact me by email so I don't worry and thank you very much!

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