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Warum O2

I purchased a prepaid sim card with 3.5GB of mobile data. After that was used up, I logged in to my O2 account and purchased the prepaid data pack L (4GB for €9.99). However, there is no instruction about how to activate it and I can't find answers on this forum. Please refer to the attached screenshot. How do I proceed? I need to have access to data as soon as possible. I am sending this message on a wifi connection.

edit o2_Solveig: verschoben von Prepaid → english Mobile

You do not have enough credit to activate the option.
You have to top up credit and then the option will be activated and you can use it.




My bank is not part of IBAN and the other methods of adding credit take too long. It would be much more convenient if O2 accepted credit card payment on their website.

You can top up your prepaid balance with your credit card. For this you have to use the express top-up



Enter Mein o2:


Scroll down and look for Express-Aufladung



You will redirected to following page



Hi @tearsbeforecrying ,


thanks a lot for the guide! @mzhaaao Have you managed to use your credit card (or PayPal) to top-up your credits?

Best regards,

I already purchased express top up prepaid for my prepaid sim card  and it is in my balance fir my data m 14,99 euros

but i cant use it yet 

does it need activation and how? 

I already purchased express top up prepaid for my prepaid sim card  and it is in my balance fir my data m 14,99 euros

but i cant use it yet 

does it need activation and how? 


I already purchased express top up prepaid for my prepaid sim card  and it is in my balance fir my data m 14,99 euros

but i cant use it yet 

does it need activation and how? 


 Hot line only in german 

and i have no balance to call English hotline 


Hi @May zam, welcome to our community 😍
Have you already activated your sim card? Booking an option is only possible for registrated cards.

kindly regards

Hi @May zam, welcome to our community 😍
Have you already activated your sim card? Booking an option is only possible for registrated cards.

kindly regards


Nicht bemerkt, dass der TE das Anliegen über mehrere Threads verteilt hat?

Hello @May zam,

please stay in one thread with your concern. I’ll answer you here. Will also write a comment in the other thread (this one) that the conversation will continue here.
As I see you have a prepaid sim card from o2. If you want to activate it please have a look at our English FAQ: Click. There you’ll also find a link where you can activate your sim card.

If somethind does not work do not hesitate to contact us here again.

Kind regards
Jessica 😊

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