I have bought a prepaid Blau card and wanted to activate it. I entered my information with my last name as “Gurbetoğlu” where “ğ” is a Turkish character. However, when it comes to identity screen where you need to verify your identity with a video call, my last name is seen as “Gurbeto¿lu”. The representatives I talked said they cannot verify my name because of this and I needed to fix it with Blau/Telefonica. Using Blau’s website, I cannot find where to fix this. If I start the activation again, the website does not ask my name and last name since I entered it before. It only makes a verification using my SIM number, phone number and date of birth, and uses my previously entered name and address information. The email I received from Blau while registering states that it can be modified in this screen but it doesn’t have any option to modify my information.
I called Blau customer support however they only speak German and we couldn’t communicate.
Can a representative please help me fix my information?