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Warum O2

may God grant it to be everywhere in Europe.

In Spain a new draft bill that would oblige services to answer person, NOT A BOT, within 3 minutes and solve your problem within 2 hours!! 

imagine I would know within 2 hours if o2 actually cancelled my contract or is it going to charge me one more year..because of a “Fehler” ...


HEAR THIS o2??  

Edit: Moved from the digital Wohnzimmer, and masked the link to a third based side. , 31.05. o2_Micha

Hello @tydolla$ign, thank you for your post.
How can i assist you? If you want to know the status of a contract, you can see this in your Mein o2 App or directly in your Mein o2 Are on the website within seconds 😉

kindly regards

@tydolla$ign unfortunately you haven´t written since your opening post.
were you able to resolve your request? If this is the case, please mark your thread as solved.
thanks and kindly regards

Solved LOL I’m OUT of this network!! : ))

@tydolla$ign I'm sorry to read this, but I'm glad you seem very happy with the solution you found for yourself

All the best for you.

Warm regards Matze 


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