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Warum O2


on May 22, I ordered a Samsung Galaxy Z flip3 device, and on May 28, I paid for it.  

O2 made several arbitrary steps during the ordering process itself. Namely, the phone was ordered in the name of my husband, as a new customer, with his information, but probably since his phone number was listed (which belongs to the service package that I pay for), O2 automatically continued to send ME information about the status of the order, as well as information for payment.  

Finally, even though O2 sent me emails etc. however, funds are withdrawn from my husband account.

At this moment, we are wondering when O2 will send us the Samsung Galaxy watch, which was a gift in the package with the phone?





27.10.2022 14:50, o2_Giulia: moved from O₂ my Handy & Finanzierung to English O₂ Community: Mobile

Hello @GoranNevena, welcome at our Community. I am sorry that you have to wait for an answer.

You had to register your smartphone with the flip in Samsung Members under Benefits to get the watch. I'm sorry the promotion is now over.

Kind regards, Ines.


please send me where exactly the "information about the need to register as a gift" was highlighted, because I missed it.

You can send me a photo, if it was clearly conveyed to me as the buyer of the device.

I did not receive any instructions in any of your emails, nor in the invoice with the purchase of the device.
Thank you

Hi @GoranNevena, it was written at the description for the Smartphone in our online shop. It was a Samsung campaign and the watch as a gift had to be requested from Samsung.

I am very sorry that i cant send you a picture, cause the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 is no longer available.

Kind regards, Ines.


Ich als Kunde sage, dass ich es nicht gesehen habe, und Sie geben mir nur die Antwort, dass es geschrieben wurde, ohne Beweise?
Dann ist es Ihr Wort oder meins, und der Kunde hat immer Recht.
Was sollen wir jetzt?

Ich kann deine Verärgerung gut verstehen.

Das Angebot war zeitlich begrenzt und das Samsung Galaxy Z Flip nun leider nicht mehr erhältlich. In einigen Beiträgen und in den News hier in der Community, wird beschrieben, wie man die Zugaben von Samsung erhalten kann.

Es tut mir sehr leid, dass ich dir keine andere Antwort geben kann.

Viele Grüße, Ines.

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