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Warum O2

Dear o2 Team, 
My contract with you (MyHome Internet and phone internet) expires on mid-October 2023. I want to understand whether I need to do something to terminate the contract on October, or it will automatically be terminated as the contract expires. 
I am afraid that the contract automatically renews, if I am not doing anything for termination. 
If there is something that needs to be done for the termination when contract ends, please let me know the steps. 

Thank you.


Edit o2_Sven 26.06.2023/13:19: Moved thread from o2 Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife to English o2 Community: Mobile

Hello @LianaHH ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

If you want to terminate your contract with us, then you’ll have to actively hand in a request for the termination. If you do not do this, a contract is automatically renewed for one more month afterwards until the contract is either prolonged or ended. You can send in your request for the termination very easily through this online form. If you need any further support, please let us know.


Kind regards, Sven

Thank you for your quick reply!
I completed the form. Can you also help me with the following question. So I have one “o2 my Home M (2020)” with 089 **** number and one “o2 Free M Online” with 0176 **** number. This two were obtained with the same contract. Now when I filled the form, there is a place for telephone number, I filled the 0176 **** number, but was wandering whether this means that I need to fill the form once again with the 089 **** number as well. 
I don’t think so as there is one Kundennr, just wanted to recheck.

Thank you again!

Hello @LianaHH ,

if you want to end both contracts, then please fill out and send in a termination request for each one. You could after all only want to end one individual contract and keep the other one going.


Kind regards, Sven

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