Welcome to the English community. I want to make some comments on your post. I’m English from the UK. I found it very difficult to find help I need in the English language. I’m lucky my German speaking wife speaks full English. At home we speak English. My online contacts speak English. For the internet I use the English language as my computer is set to the English language. English support is worldwide. Sadly as you have quickly found out Germany is not the best when it comes to providing help in the English language. I’m always told “ Do, You must speak full German to live here, if not go home. Why should we speak English to you. 98% of German companies won’t support the English language natively. German is the first spoken language. While in other parts of Europe English is spoken as the second language , English support is given for the most import things such as applying for a creditcard , bank account and mobile contracts. In Germany this is not the case. New comers to Germany finds it difficult, the German rules are more complex.
99% 0f the German mobile sites refuse to translate in to English. Google translate is of little help because of the way the German language is structured. Many on line translators have problems proving the correct translation. I’ve said before in this community O2 should improve the website and translate the site in to the correct English language.
Someone from O2 should help you with the web page and the problems your facing.
Now let me offer some help with credit cards in Germany. When I first arrived here my English bank cards no longer worked. The banking system is out dated for international uses. Though is slowly improving. The problem is as far as I know you need a German credit card. This is because the credit card is also use to make sure you have a German postal address linked to a German bank account.
My suggestion is to apply for a prepaid card or a full credit card in Germany. This of course means you would have a German bank account and a permanent post address. Any attempts to use another card from a friend who is not linked to your O2 account will trigger a rejection and in the worst case active O2 fraud prevention system.
If you need help finding a English language bank in Germany send me a private message and I can offer you some advice.
Sadly is the nature of the German culture to put the German language first no matter how much it makes life difficult for new arrivals to Germany or like me who struggles with the German language.
If you need more help and advice send me a message by clicking on my name.
Hi @toooooby,
welcome to our English Community. Nice to meet you here.
I imagine that it is quite burdensome to understand everything in German language if you do not speak German so fluently.
A great help is the Google Translator. @o2_Jessica explained it nicely in this article:
I hope that this suggestion is helpful for you.
But as I see, you made it already to start your prepaid-card. Congratulations and welcome to the world of o2!
If you like to registrate yourself at “Mein o2”, please follow the instructions here: Managing your account online
I hope I could help you already with this.
Loving greetings,
I have monthly tariff contract of O2Homespot flex.
Now I am moving to different city and there apartment already has internet so I do not need this anymore.
Please i can cancel this contract?
If I give notice now , it should cancel by 31st May?
Please let me know the procedure of cancellation. It would be great if you can send me form for cancellation and where can I send this form for cancellation?
Hello @Mobile phone Invoice,
thank you for your message in our community.
It's great to have you here! 
Exactly, if you have a Flex contract you can cancel at any time. After the cancellation has been received, your contract will be terminated within 30 days.
For an effective cancellation, you can send an informal letter to o2 with the relevant contract number etc. and your cancellation request.
The address is:
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
90345 Nürnberg
Kind regards
I have mistakenly ordered 2 "Samsung s8 ultra Tablets "just a few moments ago. I need to cancel one of them. Please help me out and cancel one of them. I just need one of the to be shipped please .
Thank you very much
Hello @Hero Kaviani,
I have answered in your other thread:
Best regards