Hello!! I am student here and I opt for the sim only contract from the shop and the shopkeeper didn’t inform me about the contract term which is now of 24 months. After few days I received a call from O2 and they offer me a new plan of 16 euros and they told me like they are giving me discount on my previous plan which is of 20euros per month. But after few days they have send me a new sim card by post and even though I didn’t signed any contract online, they started my plan on their own and I was unaware about it and how things works here. Now the plan is also of 24 months and I got scammed ending up paying approx 40 euros every month which is a very big amount for a student. Its a very ridiculous thing and my question is like what will I do with the two sim cards. I am only a student here who is new to germany and is unaware about how these contracts works here.Even now the second sim card is not activated and I don’t understand what should I do with that.
09.11.2023 08:53 o2_Katja: verschoben aus Mobilfunkrechnung