Dear Expert of O2,
I tried to end my mobile contract since i have been 2 years with O2, with only 200MB data volume per month.
I sent a post and some days later i found the website Mein O2 shown that my contract is ended.
Then there is an option saying that i can receive an good contract if i change my mind to stay with O2.
I feel it is attractive with 3GB data volume and low price.
So i clicked submit to accept the new offer with 3GB and low price.
However, the problem happened. It shows Failure immediately after i clicked submit, and asked me to operate the extension of contract again.
I went back to the webpage of Mein O2, then i found that my status became that i accepted 2 years of new contract with 200 MB data volume! The same status which i wish to leave O2 before, but i cannot leave anymore because the 2 years contract become effective although the webpage shown ”Failure”.
Apparently the “Failure ” only means to increase the data volume to me in the new contract, but the limitation of staying with O2 for 2 more years is actually successful! I am afraid that i cannot accept that and i doubt it is even legal. Please solve this problem in a quick manner. Thank you.
Best regards,
Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Mobile