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Warum O2

Good morning, 

I have a contract with O2 which I know the number, but I realize that while I was prolonging my contract, at the end I did a new one. For this new one, I cannot find the contract number - I do have the monthly bill which does not have the contract number + I have my new suppose handy Number.


Can anyone help with my contract number, so I can register in O2 properly and manage my account?






Edit o2_Bianca: Post moved to: English Community mobile

Hi @rpiagge ,


do have the unwanted SIM in your possesion?
If that’s the case, please insert the SIM into a cellphone and send call yourself on your main number. After that and with the number ready, please register the SIM here:


If you don’t have the SIM available, please let us know so we can take different steps to provide you with the number.

Best regards,

Hi @o2_Kurt,

Thanks for the answer.

Unfortunately, I do have the SIM Card, just the number (telephone number) of it.

Please let me know which are the different steps we can take.





Hi @o2_Kurt,

Thanks for the answer.

Unfortunately, I do have the SIM Card, just the number (telephone number) of it.

Please let me know which are the different steps we can take.





Sorry - I do NOT have the Sim Card

Hi @rpiagge,
please send us the information you know about the contract via pm @o2_Support, then we will see what we can get out. Please also send us your personal customer code for your contract.
Best regards

Hi @rpiagge,
I am glad that we could clarify everything by PN. If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us. If not, feel free to have a look around our community, for example in our Digital Living Room. There are always interesting things to discover.
Kind regards



Could you please help me activate my simcard, I dont have access to the internet portal and don’t have the necessary information of my contract.

(ps: I got the SIM card asking here in the community)



Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Mobile

Hi @rpiagge

I moved your new thread to this one, as it is still the same subject. 

I just have sent a private message to you via @o2_Support. Please reply there. 

Thanks a lot. 


Loving greetings,



Hi @rpiagge

the activation of your new sim-card is now finished. You are able to use now your new sim-card. 

You have now the possibility to register your sim-card at “Mein o2”. 

Just follow this instruction: 

If you have any further questions, just let us know. 


Loving greetings,


Deine Antwort