Hello o2 customer care,
I actually came into Germany to study in 2018, in Wuppertal, and I made a contact for the following telephone number for 2yrs 01xxxxx23 which I was suppose to be paying 29+ euros monthly but it was mostly doubled the price due to the fact that an IBAN was given there is nothing I could do, now the contract has ended, I went to the Wuppertal o2 partners, now the gave me another number 01xxxxxx29 which they told me is unlimited and it 55 euros monthly fee for both lines, but as I write I am being charged sometimes 97 euros, 75 euros for both lines, and I can no long maintain both lines, I went to their office in Wuppertal and they said there is nothing they can do, and my contact signed in 2018 has been edited to 2022, by themselves in the Wuppertal shop, without my knowledge, and a copy sent to me, this is fraud.
Finally, I am just a student, I can no longer be able to take this fraudulent contact extension from o2 Wuppertal branch, I have a copy of the edited contact sent to my email address to 2022 without me agreeing, just and edited one I signed in 2018.
Edit: Rufnummern anonymisiert - o2_Kurt
Edit o2_Vivian: verschoben Mobilfunkvertrag → o2 english community: mobile