Hello @myrin19,
how did you quit? Evidence is required for early termination. Take a look at this FAQ:
Best regards
Hello @Vilureef ,
Thanks for the reply. I quit at my local O2 shop while I was still in Germany. They sent me a confirmation email and said that I didn’t need to take any further action. In the email was also a PDF file with the details of cancellation (“Eingangsbestätigung Ihrer Kündigung”).
Hello @myrin19,
However, the shop will only have canceled in due time, so note the information in the FAQ.
Best regards
Hi @Vilureef ,
So just to confirm my understanding, the termination still went through but I'll need to pay for the three months after? Then after that, the contract will be fully terminated?
Hello @myrin19,
Yes, but you have to go the way described in the FAQ first.
Best regards
Dear @myrin19 ,
welcome to our communty. 
It looks like the store canceled your contract at the end of the contract period, so to February 9th 2025.
So long the contract must then be fulfilled and the monthly fees paid.
If you leave the country, you can request a cancellation because of moving abroad, for this @Vilureef has already given you the right link.
Have you been able to do this in the meantime and send it to us?
Kind regards,
Thank you @Vilureef for the information, it really helped!
And thank you @o2_Andrea for the reply and confirmation as well. I am currently waiting for the deregistration document as I had to move abroad abruptly and didn’t get the chance to do it while there. Once I have, I will send the documents as soon as I can.
Actually, I was wondering whether it would be possible to send a document (that states I left the guesthouse) from the university guesthouse I was staying in, or should I wait for the deregistration document? Additionally, since I moved back to my home country and my house, I therefore do not have a “registration of new address” document, but I have a house registration and my birth certificate which says my address on it too. Would this be sufficient?
Thank you very much
"but I'll need to pay for the three months after?"
When you sent all documents, it's only one month
Hey @myrin19,
If I see it correctly, you have already received the right answers from the community members. Here I have again our English FAQ on the subject.