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Warum O2

Hi, I was supposed to recieve a call from USA yesterday, they tried to reach me multiple times. They use an internet based system for international calls. I did not recieve any call that they placed, I gave them full number 11049…

Are calls from USA blocked on my contract? I have 02 free M contract. 

Can this be solved?


Edit o2_Sven 31.03.2023/08:50: Moved thread from o2 Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife to English o2 Community: Mobile


please explain to me why you use 11049…?

Intern. number is 0049…..

Maybe there is the mistake. 
LG Witti 

Hello @JeTiNiMa ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

There is no block for incoming calls from outside Germany , I’d also expect that the issue here with the number just like witti is also suspecting.


Kind regards, Sven

I first gave number +49… Didn’t work.

Then I read on internet the following: 


 Mobile codes:

To call a mobile phone in Germany from United States use the following dialing code format: 011 + 49 + Mobile Code* + The Number

I see typo in my fist message I gave them 01149, not 110. Again didn’t work. Not sure what else could be the problem.

Can it be something in my phone settings then? 


Intern. number is 0049….


The prefix (represented by +)  will depend on the country the call is being made from. Many use 00 but not all.

From the USA it is 011.

@JeTiNiMa Unless you have an App which is blocking incoming calls from abroad, it is more likely that the problem is with the service the caller is using.

Hi @JeTiNiMa were your friends able to call you yet?
Sometimes people dial the 0 for the provider number, Please use this format: 0114917*******
Please inform us, if our hints helped you out or if you need some more support. 😊

kindly regards

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