please explain to me why you use 11049…?
Intern. number is 0049…..
Maybe there is the mistake.
LG Witti
Hello @JeTiNiMa ,
welcome to the o2 Community .
There is no block for incoming calls from outside Germany , I’d also expect that the issue here with the number just like witti is also suspecting.
Kind regards, Sven
I first gave number +49… Didn’t work.
Then I read on internet the following:
Mobile codes:
To call a mobile phone in Germany from United States use the following dialing code format: 011 + 49 + Mobile Code* + The Number
I see typo in my fist message I gave them 01149, not 110. Again didn’t work. Not sure what else could be the problem.
Can it be something in my phone settings then?
The prefix (represented by +) will depend on the country the call is being made from. Many use 00 but not all.
From the USA it is 011.
@JeTiNiMa Unless you have an App which is blocking incoming calls from abroad, it is more likely that the problem is with the service the caller is using.
Hi @JeTiNiMa were your friends able to call you yet?
Sometimes people dial the 0 for the provider number, Please use this format: 0114917*******
Please inform us, if our hints helped you out or if you need some more support.
kindly regards