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Warum O2
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I have taken recognizance with your reminder of my outstanding bill. As a matter of fact i have not been well for the past one month and still counting.
I shall be in your office at kirchgasse in wiesbaden tomorrow, so that we can find a solution to resolve the outstanding.
I had the impression every payment have automatically been deducted by your outfit as arranged. i apologize for the delay and all inconveniences caused is deeply regretted.
however, i will like to cancel the home telephone as part of the contract because my bill have been accerelated.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Best regards
Nyarko xyz
27.10.2022 09:16 o2_Katja surname and adress deleted, moved to our  Englische Community

Hello @dosty ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

I hope you were able to clear things up concerning the bill when you visited the shop near you. Concerning the debit of bills, if you had an outstanding balance on a previous bill, then the direct debit can be canceled and you can be asked to directly transfer the money. Whether the bill is charged from your account or you need to pay it yourself is always stated on the first page of the bill.

You can withdraw from a contract if it isn’t older than two weeks, if you already have the contracts longer than this, then you can ask for the termination of the contracts, this will then happen at the end of their contract duration, unless you have a Flex contract that can be terminated monthly or if the contracts are already running longer than 2 years. The request for the cancellation can be done directly online.

If you have any further questions please let us know.


Kind regards, Sven

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