I recently move into a new apartment and decided to take my o2 plan with me. In my previous apartment I had 50Mbps regularly.
To my surprise after the technician came and set up everything in my new apartment I only receive 10 Mbps. If I want 10 Mbps I would not pay 50 Mbps. If someone could help me or tell my want can I do I will appreciate it!
Thanks in advance.
edit o2_Solveig : verschoben von o2 DSL : Vertrag & Tarife → English o2 Community:Mobile
edit o2_Tobias: transferred from English Community (mobile) to English Community (DSL)
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You should use the o2 availability check before you decide for a new apartment. The o2 availability check shows you for each checked address which maximum speed is likely to be possible via which connection technology at the address. To do this, click on the small "i".
The monthly base price refers to a specific product according to the product information sheet and not to a specific speed. This means that even if the maximum product speed cannot be reached at the connection address selected by the customer, the same product price applies.
Dear @blablup ,
Thanks for the quick answer, as you mentioned I checked the availability before moving in and the result was this
Today I entered in the information icon and I saw this
If my 50 Mbps connection it's not possible through the DSL line, o2 should let me know that is not possible BEFORE. Not that I come to the portal to check what happened with my internet to understand that the internet availability tool that o2 has it's just deceitful.
I would like to change my 50 Mbps plan to cable instead of DSL.
Which should be able to meet my internet plan (o2 my home M) and requirements. Since I'm paying for 50 Mbps not 10 Mbps.
According to the product data sheet I should receive a max speed of 50 Mbps a min speed of 3 Mbps and a normal speed of 38 Mbps. Not 10 Mbps
Best regards
The result of the availability check shows that only a maximum of 16 Mbit/s is possible at the address you have selected. The customer is free to use the availability check conscientiously before moving and to include the result in their decision-making process. According to the product you ordered, you ordered a DSL connection with a minimum data rate of 3 Mbit/s and you also received this product. You pay for the product you have chosen and not for a non-existent guarantee that you will receive the maximum tariff speed at every given address. o2 is not responsible for any changes in availability resulting from the move. This is a choice of the customer and not o2.
@blablup are you an O2 representative?
Dear @blablup ,
Thanks for your help. But if you are not an O2 moderator, can you leave the question open so that I can get a solution from them? I think there must be a different solution to settle for a half service and even more in these moments where remote work is part of our day to day
Best regards
Hello @LuisMunoz, welcome to our o2 community :-)
I am sorry to hear that your internet connection does not reach the speed it used to have before you moved to your new address.
The fastest way to check if and how a change of technology from DSL to a cable connection is possibe would be to contact our colleagues via hotline. We also offer an english speaking hotline if you do not seak any german at all :-)
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.
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