I ordered a O2 Homespot which came yesterday with a new sim. I activated it but I was not given a number and so I couldn't open a My O2 account. It would be great if you could tell me how to get the number using my 19 digit SIM card number
After I activated my sim and used the YouTube video to set my HomeSpot up I’m getting not connected on the o2.spot page. I looked at this post and followed the steps mentioned there.
So when I make the network settings to LTE/3G the Homespot connects to the Vodafone 3G

When I change to LTE only it does connect to O2 LTE but keeps on disconnecting.

I have tried to register on the network manually and it still doesn’t help. I see that that the base station near me has a problem. Is that the reason?

Can you please tell me how can I fix this. This is highly urgent as I need this for work.
Best regards,
Edit by o2:Andrea: verschoben von English o2 Community: Mobile zu Broadband & Landline