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I ordered a O2 Homespot which came yesterday with a new sim. I activated it but I was not given a number and so I couldn't open a My O2 account. It would be great if you could tell me  how to get the number using my  19 digit SIM card number

After I activated my sim and used the YouTube video to set my HomeSpot up I’m getting not connected on the page. I looked at this post and followed the steps mentioned there.

So when I make the network settings to LTE/3G the Homespot connects to the Vodafone 3G



When I change to LTE only it does connect to O2 LTE but keeps on disconnecting.



I have tried to register on the network manually and it still doesn’t help. I see that that the base station near me has a problem. Is that the reason?


 Can you please tell me how can I fix this. This is highly urgent as I need this for work.


Best regards,


Edit by o2:Andrea: verschoben von English o2 Community: Mobile zu Broadband & Landline

Hi @anjishnu ,


would you mind trying to activate the SIM-Card again?

It sometimes takes a little while for the SIM to be ready.


After an hour or so after the activation, please restart the HomeSpot to see if the activation went through.


Viele Grüße,

Hi @o2_Kurt,

Thanks! It worked.

Best regards,



Hello @o2_Kurt 

i have exactly the same problem. I have already tried to restart a couple of times and nothing helped. What should I do? I need the internet ASAP. 



I am also having the same problem. My LTE light is flashing red for the last 24 hours since receiving the Homespot. I contacted O2 twice but was told it would start to work once O2 have activated it. Originally they said by 8pm last night. 
Can you advice me on what to do next as it does not seem to be activated? 
thank you 

hello @Amyb1

did O2 say how can you check wether they have already activated it or not? I‘ve been waiting for 3 days and nothing happens. It seems that the device doesn’t work at all. And I don’t know even how to change the device  or what to do:( 


I tried to call all day to O2 but the first time they said they will activate it but still didn’t and the second time they hung up on me mid call. I cannot understand what we are supposed to do next... 

I guess I will try to cancel the contract. 
good luck! 

@o2_Kurt  hi! 
can you offer any ideas as to why there is no connection after 2-3 days with the homespot. 
Is it usual to for the pin to take so long to activate? 
thank you:) 

@v.Anna  Hi, just thought id let you know, I called O2 again this time i spoke to sales as they have english speakers there. They activated my card remotely and it began to work. Worth a try! good luck

@Amyb1 Hi, thank you for information. I‘ll try! 

Hi @o2_Kurt,

ich habe das gleiche Problem: 
Der Router funktioniert seit fast 6 Monaten einwandfrei.

Aber jetzt:
-rotes Licht blinkt auf dem Router.
-Ich habe das Portal eingegeben, um das Passwort zurückzusetzen.
-Ich überprüfe die Konnektivität in meiner Nachbarschaft und sie scheint in Ordnung zu sein.

Das Licht ist immer noch rot.
Könnten Sie mir bitte helfen, indem Sie die SIM-Karte zurücksetzen und/oder mein Problem beheben?

Vielen Dank im Voraus.


Hi @o2_Kurt 

I have the same problem: 
router perfectly working for almost 6 months

But now:
-red light blinking on the router.
-I entered the portal to reset the password
-I check for the connectivity in my neighborhood and it seems ok.

The light is still red.
Could you please help me out by resetting the SIM/or address my problem?

Thanks in advance.

Dear @Vins ,

welcome to our commuity. 🍃

Which lamp has which colour?

Did you try to make a factory reset?

Kind regards,


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