I booked O2 cable internet on 18.11.2024, the activation date was 11.12.2024 but today I still have no internet. This is what has happened so far.
- The router did not arrive before the activation date.
- As I need the service urgently, I purchased my own router and contacted customer support to provide the CM Mac address, so that I could use my own router. That didn’t work, they said that they had some technical issues and it was not possilble to register the Mac address but at the same time they did not know when their rourter would arrive.
- After a long wait, the rented O2 router finally arrived, I connected it and I managed to access it through the UI. Everything looks good there for me, but I still have no internet for some reason.
This is what I see using the rented O2 router:
The overview page indicates it is connected to internet:
When I run the diagnose tool, everything is fine but it has no internet access
The cable connection looks fine.
when I connect to the router (WIFI or LAN cable) I see this captive screen all the time and I can’t bypass it.
My O2 profile section says I’m using a rented router and everything should be fine
But still, I can’t access internet. I tried to contact technical support but language is a problem for now, can anyone help me here?
Edit o2_Dennis 27.12.2024 / 20:44 Uhr: MAC Adresse aus Screenshot entfernt