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Warum O2

Hallo zusammen, ich benötige Hilfe bei einem Problem bei der Konfiguration meines o2 Internets. Ich hatte am 10.09.2021 einen Termin beim Techniker. Danach bekomme ich eine Meldung, dass mein Internet aktiviert ist, aber wenn ich den Router Fritzbox 6660 angeschlossen habe, wird angezeigt, dass das Internet nicht verfügbar ist. Kann mir bitte jemand dabei helfen? Ich habe in 5 Tagen eine Prüfung ohne Internet kann ich nicht lernen. Ich habe versucht, den Kundenservice zu kontaktieren, aber es ist absolut nutzlos. Bitte hilf mir.


edit o2_Tobias: moved from “Router” to “English DSL”

Hello everyone, I need help with a problem configuring my o2 internet. I had an appointment on 10.09.2021 with the technician. After that I got a message saying my Internet is activated but when I connected the router fritzbox 6660 its showing the internet is not available. Can  someone please help me with this ? I have an exam in 5 days without Internet i am not able to study. I tried contacting the customer service, but its absolutely useless. Please help me. I tried contacting the customer service, but its absolutely useless. Please help me. 

@starboy333 Is this a rented o2 cable router or your own one (New or used buy)?

hello @Joe Doe  My new router fritzbox 6660, this was sent to me by O2 after I bought the internet contract.

@starboy333 Please raise a technical ticket if the Fritzbox correctly connected with the Multimedia box.

Use my guide on Monday  (works for cable too),  get a preticket number and call than the hotline (English)


@Joe Doe thank you very much, if by any chance know anything about registering mac address or configuring router let me know. Thanks for your help

@starboy333 I think there is a technical Problem, so your MAC adress from your rented o2 Fritzbox 6660 was not correctly transmitted.

You can solved this only with a technical ticket. Use for this the English hotline: say please that you have a rented Fritzbox 6660 from o2 and the MAC was not transmited to the Cable Provider. You see this on an Error screenshot as an information.

@Joe Doe thanks again. Should I call them on Monday or can i raise the ticket and call them tomorrow ?? And what exactly is the phone number? I tried german number I tried english hotline. I just get automatic messages from a bot.

@starboy333 English Hotline is closed on Saturday. I prefer Monday, because now it is to late.

o no!!


wir machen dort weiter. Bitte keine Mehrfachpostings zu einem Thema.

Danke an @Joe Doe für die Unterstützung.
